Part 7

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Ashley and Oliver are standing infront of the hotel building because Sofia ask Oliver to bring Ashley at the hotel instead as they forgot to ask Oliver so Oliver had to bring Ashley at the hotel.

Ashley take a deep breath feeling nervous. Oliver look at her and chuckle " you'll be fine. I'm sure they will accept because they need workers ". He try to comfort Ashley.

Ashley smile and nodded " thank you for helping me to recommend this job ".

Oliver nodded and smile " no problem. I just help in any way I can. Besides, I already told my friend that you're here for interview the job ".

Ashley smile nervously and nodded again " thank you so much again. I will go for interview now " she say and walk away waving goodbye to Oliver.

Oliver wave at her back and smile. He look at Ashley presence gone he sigh " good luck my friend you will might meet him again. I'm sorry " he mumbled. He then walk away with his hands in his pockets.

Ashley take a deep breath before enter the office for interview. She open the door and peek at the door " hello? May I come in? " She ask politely.

The interviewer look at her and bow slightly and nodded " yes come in " he say politely. Ashley bow at him back and walk inside the room. The interviewer gesture his hand asking her to sit down.

So Ashley sit while looking around feeling nervous. The interviewer ask for her resume so Ashley gave her resume. The interviewer take a look at her resume. He check her resume for a moment and clasp his hands after he done reading.

He look at her and smile " you are accepted. When can you start to work? " He ask.

Ashley surprise " you not gonna interview me or ask me anything? " She ask confuse.

The interviewer chuckle " I think there's no much to ask because your resume says it all that's why you're accepted. Besides, we are not that picky when we needed workers " he explain.

Ashley nodded understood " ah I understand. Is it okay if I start today? Because I don't think I have anything to do and I already spend my rest time enough so there's no problem for me to start today right? " She ask politely.

The interviewer laugh amuse " wow it seems like you're excited to work. Of course no problem if you want to start today. You can start work now. I will guide you first " he say and stand up from his seat.

Ashley stand up along too following  him from behind walk out of the room. The interviewer show the place of her stuffs to use to clean the room. He point politely at the things " here will be the stuff you will use for cleaning the rooms ".

Ashley nodded listen to his instructions carefully. " And this will be your room if you feel like you don't want to go back home. Because if you work until night and you need to rest you can stay in this room. Or maybe if your house are a bit far from here you can just stay here anytime " he explain again.

Ashley look at him surprise " oh is there a place like this too? I thought hotel did you provide anything like this " she say while chuckle nervously.

The interviewer scoffed " we do for the convenience of the workers here especially for the housekeepers " he say.

Ashley nodded understood " ah I understand. Thank you so much for explaining. I will start my work now " she say politely. The interviewer nodded and give his polite smile.

The interviewer then walk away. Ashley look at him while tilt her head slightly as if she feel something is not right.

The interviewer enter the highest floor room. The private, VVIP penthouse on top for only the owner of the hotel and that is Lucas. The interviewer bow slightly at Lucas.

" Sir I've already settle everything with her " he say to Lucas.

Lucas take a sip of his champagne and nodded " good job " he said to the interviewer.

The interviewer bow slightly and walk away after. Lucas look at the outside view while take a sip of his champagne again and smirk. " The beginning will start now " he mumble.

After Ashley had done doing her work she felt exhausted but at the same time she try to keep herself strong to go back home first because she knew Sofia would ask so much about how's her day in work.

Ashley enter her apartment and Sofia scream raising her arms for a hug. She hug Ashley but Ashley feel exhausted. Sofia look at her " why are you looking like you're wasted? " She ask.

Ashley put her bag down " I'm tired because I straight away working after the interview ".

Sofia slap Ashley's arm " seriously? You work after you interview? Why not take a rest? " She ask worried.

Ashley gave an exhausted smile and hug Sofia " because I don't have anything to do that's why I just straight away work ".

Sofia then pat Ashley's arm who is hugging " yeah you're right. So is the interview hard? Are they asking any weird questions? ".

Ashley scoffed broke the hug and shake her head " no. He read my resume and say I'm accepted right away ".

Sofia look at Ashley weirdly " what? He didn't even ask anything but just read your resume and say you're accepted right away? " She ask again. Ashley take a sip of her drink and nodded.

Sofia mumbled " that's weird ".

Ashley nodded agree " it is but it's good I feel nervous he might ask stupid questions like before when I work at other place. So yeah I'm glad he just read my resume like that as he say they are not picky when they really needed workers ".

Sofia sigh " but is there not any many housekeepers there because they say they needed workers. I mean did they get accepted easily " she ask.

Ashley think for a moment " actually there are quite many housekeepers there and they say they did got ask weird questions when they apply for the job ".

Sofia look at Ashley surprise " seriously? Why are yours special case? " She ask curiously.

Ashley pout and raise her shoulders " I don't know either ". Sofia scratch her head confuse but Ashley then tell her to not think about.

" Let's sleep I'm exhausted " Ashley said to Sofia. Sofia tickle her " you didn't take a shower yet you want to sleep now? " She sat while tickling Ashley cause Ashley to wiggle her body and laugh so hard.

Lucas who is watching them and mumble " you will know the reason tomorrow honey " he say while he wipe his lips.

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