Part 26

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Now Lucas and Ashley is inside his car and the situation is awkward. The silence in the car, they both are so awkward didn't even say anything since they walk out of Lucas's parents house. They are on their way to send Ashley back home.

Ashley beside Lucas sitting nervously because when she take a look at him she saw him driving with his face looking furious. Ashley wanted to say something but she fear that she would add fuel to the fire.

Ashley take a deep breath trying to encourage herself to say something " so that's the reason you had to take over the business club " she say softly.

Lucas sigh " yeah, I told you. You will know the real ugly truth one day ".

Ashley look at him with a pitiful eyes " you should've told me before " she say.

Lucas sigh again " I do but you just walk away from me not giving me a chance to explain but even if I do, would you even believe me? " He ask her.

Ashley look down while playing with her fingers " but it can't change the fact that I saw you make out with other girls infront of my eyes ".

" Yeah I know. I know it's useless for me to say that I'm sorry but I really do. If only I didn't take over that business, our relationship and love life would've been perfect " Lucas reply.

" That's why I resent my dad and my brother so much. They had been treat me like I'm a puppet. Especially my dad, he adore Kevin so much even though he know Kevin is such a fuckboy. He didn't even want Kevin to take over the club business because he didn't want Kevin to ruin his image by fuck around with any girls but what's the point. He fuck around too and he's the worst but he's capable to take over the business club. That's why I can't understand my dad either. Seems like he dislikes me so much and being biased " Lucas express his every burden that he carry.

Ashley sigh look down feeling pity of him. Lucas sigh roughly " I'm his son too but he treat me unfairly. I'm the son that live with him all these years but Kevin who always live with our grandparents, he still adore Kevin more. The fact that Kevin live with our grandparents is because he want to have fun fuck around " he say again.

Ashley look at him feeling pitiful of him. Lucas take a deep breath " that's why I open my business hotel for my backup once I left that business club. I feel glad that I get to hand over that to my friend who can manage that business well ".

They are finally arrive and Lucas stop the car looking at Ashley " I hate that even my family's situation I hurt you. I hate myself so much for that. I hate that I hurt you, I make you cry, I betray you even if I really don't want to. I hate myself for not rebel my dad when he ask me to take over that disgusting business " he say furiously.

Lucas held Ashley's hands " if I didn't take over that business our love life would've been so perfect. Even before I take over that business I've already plan how our life would be. I've already plan to marry you, love you and cherish our moments together but that ruin it all. I hate it so much that I can't even forgive myself for this. I hate that I can't make sure our journey keep going ".

Lucas tears start to falling down " I thought of not wanting to tell you but you found out eventually. I should've just been honest to you. I really do love you so much that I even hope that you are mine forever. I've been targeting to spend my life with you " he say while holding tight onto Ashley's hands.

Lucas sniffles crying feeling the pain in his heart, Ashley look at him and starts to cry too. Ashley held his hands " I do want to give you a chance but I need time. It's not easy to get rid of the bad past we've face " she say softly.

Lucas nodded and wipe his tears " I don't mind. As long as I will treat you right so I just want you to give me a chance to have you on a date with me " he say with a hopeful eyes while holding onto Ashley's hands tightly.

Ashley give a little smile " up to you. We can fix this even though it might be hard for me " she say softly.

Lucas nodded and pull her head gently to kiss her forehead " thank you. I swear I'm gonna be better after this. I will not do the same mistake again I promise ".

Ashley nodded and give a little smile " I will surely to see that effort of yours ".

Lucas smile and pull her for a hug. They both hug each other until there's a knock on the car's window. They both startled to look and saw Sofia is standing infront of the car with a disbelief expression on her face.

Lucas roll his eyes annoyed " what the heck is she everywhere " he mumble. Ashley chuckle and open the car door.

Sofia walk to Ashley with a disbelief expression on her face. Lucas exit the car and Sofia look at him in a sassy way " did I just saw you both hug? "

Ashley lock her lips not knowing how to respond her. Lucas raise his eyebrow " if you saw it's a hug, aren't that obvious it's a hug " he say with a lazy tone.

Sofia look at him with her eyes wide open " exeshiush me? Nope that is not even allowed. Your dirty body should not attached to Ashley's holy body "

Lucas look at her with his furrowed eyebrows speechless " the fuck? " He mumbled.

Sofia look at him in sassy way again " don't think I didn't heard that coming out from your spipoo mouth ".

Lucas look at her weirdly " the fuck is that ".

Sofia getting ready for a fight " shut that spipoo mouth of yours wanna fight huh how dare you " she roll her sleeves but Ashley stop her.

Ashley held Sofia's arm " stop you're embarrassing ".

Sofia shove Ashley's hand off her arm " embarrassing? Did I just heard that right? " She said in a sassy way again.

Ashley sigh frustrated " I think we should go now " she say while pulling Sofia's arm but Sofia try to shove the grip of Ashley's arm.

Before they walk away, Ashley turn her back to look at Lucas giving an awkward smile but Lucas give her his sincere smile.

Sofia keep trying to let the grip of Ashley's hand off her arm but Ashley grip is so strong. They walk away meanwhile Lucas watching their presence dissapear slowly.

He wave goodbye and smile a little because he's glad that he gets to explain everything that Ashley should know in the beginning.

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