Tip of the ice-berg

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A/n Hi this is based on the defenders of Berk episode when the whispering death eggs hatch and he screaming death first appears
All of the gang had planned to meet up at the arena, so they could train in case there was a surprise attack. Astrid and Snotlout were the only ones there at the moment and Snotlout being Snotlout was hitting on Astrid. "So Astrid I was wondering if you wanted to train in the forest with me" Snotlout asked, Astrid just rolled her eyes "Hiccup told us to stay here and wait for him remember" she told him "yeah but he said we could train but he never said it couldn't just be me and you training" he said wiggling his eyebrows "that's not what Hiccup meant" "yeah but that's what makes him Hiccup and me Snotlout" he said striking a pose "oh please that's just the tip of the ice-berg" Astrid stated placing her hands on her hips. By now the rest of the gang besides Hiccup, had arrived at the arena and we're listening in to Astrid and Snotlout's antics. "what do you mean 'tip of the ice-berg'" he questioned "ugh I mean that there is a much greater difference between you and Hiccup then just saying who we are training with" Astrid exclaimed getting annoyed "oh like what how I'm muscly and he's not and stuff like that" Snotlout began but was cut off by a red Astrid. "NO! I mean how Hiccup is a great leader and you couldn't even lead a herd of sheep, how Hiccup cares about others more than himself and how you don't even think of anyone else, how Hiccup is so much more attractive than you" she said pausing for a breath, leaving the gang shocked about how she felt about Hiccup and making Snotlout pissed off at how the girl of his dreams thought that the fishbone was hotter than him. "Also Hiccup is forgiving and you hold a grunge, Hiccup is smart and has great ideas and you don't, Hiccup actually cares and isn't afraid to cry but you are and finally the biggest difference between you and Hiccup, Snotlout is the fact that I love Hiccup and not you" Astrid yelled fuming but soon stopped once she realised what she said and her hands flew up to her mouth. The gang came rushing into the academy gaping "you just said you loved Hiccup not liked but LOVED" Ruff said putting emphasis on LOVED, Astrid buried her head in her hands trying to hide her blushing face. "Oh my gods you love Hiccup" Ruff squealed "well Astrid's off the market" Tuff mumbled to Snotlout and Fishlegs "oh well her and Hiccup go well together" Fishlegs said shrugging not really bothered but Snotlout liked like he was going to die. "How can you like that fishbone" Snotlout hissed getting angry "I just stated the reasons" Astrid hissed back uncovering her face. Snotlout opened his mouth to reply but Hiccup spoke before he could "okay you guys ready to go, I think we will spilt up today and head to dragon island and we can race to the volcano and see which team gets there first" he said scratching toothless having no idea what he had interrupted making astrid relieved that he didn't hear anything, "oh hey Hiccup" Astrid said walking away from the gang and towards her not so secret crush. "hey Astrid, so let's get into partners" Hiccup said "I'll go with my brother" Ruff said grabbing her brother and pushing him towards their dragon, "umm okay" Hiccup said noting Ruff's enthusiasm "i'll go with Astr..." Snotlout started but Astrid panicked and yelled out before he could finish "I'll go with you Hiccup" she yelled "okay, umm did I miss something cause you all seem strangely happy except for you Snotlout you look like you're gonna murder someone" Hiccup said pointing at them all "what us? No absolutely nothing is wrong" Astrid said nervously "Fine so the twins will go together, Astrid and I will go together so that means that Fishlegs and Snotlout, you will both have to go together" Hiccup stated getting groans from both teens. "Lets go" Astrid said grabbing Hiccups hand and dragging him to toothless noticing Snotlout making his way towards Hiccup with a clenched fist "okay" he said a little confused, they all mounted their respected dragons and flew to dragon island. Lets just say that during that flight Astrid punched a lot of people and covered Ruff's mouth multiply times making Hiccup way more confused then he already was.
A/n so I watched the episode I was talking about today and decided how much better it would've been if Astrid explained to Snotlout more that just saying tip of the ice-berg so I made a one shot and I thought it would be better if the rest of the gang excluding Hiccup had over heard her rambling on about Hiccup. So here it is hope you liked it. LOVE YA!!!!!!!


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