This is i cant think of a title for this story #2

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Hahahahahahaha I'm watching the Big Bang Theory right now and it's hilarious I'm like dying of laughter

Astrid's P.o.v

OH MY GODS SNOGGLETOG IS IN TWO DAYS! I'm so excited cause this year me and the gang are old enough to partake in the snoggletog dance. I really hope Hiccup asks me, ugh I'm being way to girly about this. "Oh Stormfly I hope you come back soon" I mumble "missing your dragon" said a voice behind me causing me to jump. I turned to see Hiccup leaning against Stormfly's stable frame. I smiled and he smirked, making my heart melt, "yeah I really really miss her but she'll be back and with babies" I say "do you miss toothless" "yep but I try not to think about it" "makes sense" Hiccup laughs "thank you I'm glad I made sense" I just shake my head and punch his arm. We talked for awhile but every time I spoke about the dance he avoided it, maybe he's not gonna ask me. Okay let's stay Astrid positive. "I gotta go Astrid, I have to talk to my dad" Hiccup said getting up and then pulling me up "okay I'll see you later" I said and wave goodbye. After Hiccup left I started cleaning out Stormfly's stable, I was throwing out some chicken bones when I saw Hiccup standing near the forge. 'He must be waiting for his Dad' I thought. It had been almost two minutes and Hiccup was still there, I was about to approach him but someone got there first. Ruff ran over to Hiccup panting and saying something I couldn't make out, Hiccup just rolled his eyes before grabbing Ruff arm and dragging her away. I felt my heart break, wait no shatter into pieces "need to talk to your dad really cause that doesn't look like your dad to me Hiccup" I muttered and stomped back inside. Why'd he lie to me.
"Okay I need to murder some trees" i exclaim and grabbed my axe. I had been sitting in my room for about 4 hours and I was getting more bored and angrier every second. I trudged out towards the forest, heading to my favourite clearing where I usually went with Stormfly. Once I got there I sat on a boulder, grabbed a stone and started sharpening my axe "stupid Hiccup thinks I am an idiot...........need to talk to my dad...........goes off with Ruff instead.......whats so good about Ruff anyway she's not that smart and all she wants to do is destroy thing" were somethings I mumbled while fixing my axe. I was continuing my little rage when a burst of laughter erupted through the forest, I got up and followed the sound to another clearing and there sitting in the dead centre was the two people I wanted to see the least. Ruff and Hiccup. Ruff was laughing at something Hiccup said or did and he was trying to get her stop by telling her that is wasn't funny and that she needed to be serious. 'That's what we always do together' I thought sadly but then they became quiet and Hiccup started speaking. I couldn't hear the first thing he said but what I did hear left me broken ".......about, so if your not already going with someone would you like to be my date to the snoggletog dance" he asked, Ruff smiled "yes, yes, yes ,yes, YES! This is......" I didn't hear what she said next cause I was already flying through the forest with tears streaming down my cheeks.
My eyes stung from how much I had cried. If Hiccup always liked Ruff then why did he lead me on, why did he have to be so damn hot and reel me in. Why? Why? Why? It's not fair. Life is not fair. I sat up and grabbed another tissue, blowing my nose, I looked up at my cupboard to see the dress I was planning on wearing but now I'm not going, I've made up my mind. The dress was a sleeveless sky blue one that just grazed the floor it had lace up the top and the bottom just flowed, the dress begged to be worn but I didn't want to go and I wasn't. I was attempting to collect myself when someone knocked on my door, I shot up and froze I didn't want anyone to see me like this, especially not my parents or anything. "Astrid open up its me, Hiccup" Hiccup yelled I rolled my eyes "what do you want" I snapped "just wanted to talk maybe go for a walk to forget about our dragons" a new pain hit my heart as I remembered that my best friend wasn't here. Thanks Hiccup. "No go away the last person I want to talk to or go on a walk with is you so just leave me alone" I screamed, bad idea because before I knew Hiccup pushed open my door and rushed in, I really should've locked my door. Hiccups jaw dropped when he saw my current state, he closed and locked the door before come info over to me and sitting down next to me.He enveloped me in a warm hug that made my heart flutter but it's hard fly when you're broken. I sighed "what happened" he asked gently, I had to tell him, "I heard you ask Ruff to the snoggletog dance" I felt hiccups arms fall off me. I looked up at Hiccup who was just continuously blinking "don't deny it Hiccup I heard you ask her in the forest and I saw you drag her away once you lied to me said you needed to talk to your dad" I stated dryly Hiccup choked "one, I was waiting for my dad but them I saw Ruff and remembered that I needed to talk to her more urgently than my father and two, I did not ask Ruff to the dance" he said using his hands for extra emphasis "I heard you ask her Hiccup so stop lying okay" "just listen astrid I wasn't asking her I was...." he groaned but I cut him off "no Hiccup you listen I thought you liked me back but it was just a game you were just leading me on why? To make Ruff jealous why?" I cried. Hiccup froze, it was actually scaring me, I don't think he's breathing oh gods "Hiccup" I whispered and he shook his head "I'm so so sorry I made you cry Astrid I didn't mean to do any of that and I haven't been leading you on I do like you, I like you A LOT actually and I wasn't asking Ruff to the dance" he said as tears brimmed his eyes. Oh. My. Gods. He likes me back, he likes me back this is amazing but if he wasn't asking Ruff to the dance what was he doing. Hiccup sighed "do you really want to know" he asked confusing me "wait did I say that out loud" I panicked "yep" "what did I say" i whispered "what I was asking Ruff" he replied, man that was a close one. "So what were you asking Ruff" I repeated "well...i was...uhh.....getting.....her umm....opinion" he stuttered rubbing his neck "spit it out" I chuckled but he didn't smile "uhh.....i was getting her opinion on how I should ask you to the dance". And cue heart attack. He was asking me to the dance and he likes me back, best day ever. I feel like getting up and jumping for joy but I have to keep my cool. "I'd love to" I said "huh what" "I said I'd love to you know go to the dance with you", his eyes lit up "really" I laughed and nodded "okay I'll pick you up at 6:00" he said standing up. I glanced at my wall clock, it's 4:56 I've pretty much got only an hour to get ready "oh my gods Hiccup can you please get Ruff for me and tell her to get here asap and to bring her girly stuff" I exclaimed "okay but Astrid promise me that you won't put too much makeup on I think you look perfect without it" Hiccup said, I could feel my cheeks burn "promise" I said. He was about to leave when I quickly punched his shoulder "OW! What was that for" he winced "that was for making me think you liked Ruff" I said and he grimaced I quickly grabbed his shirt and kissed him on the lips this time "and that's for everything else" he blushed so hard but I could tell i was red too. I shoved him out the door "now go get Ruff".
Hahahahaha you guys don't get to know what happens at the dance he I'm so mean. So guys please send me in some request cause I just noticed the other day when I was reading through my one shots that they're all kinda dramatic so I need some fluffy hiccstrid requests so please send them in. I love you guys and don't worry if I use you request I'll dedicate it to you

💚🎀🎩👊🙊 😽😇😋 ✌️

Hehe random emojis

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