Coming back

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Here is part two of chief training
After four years hiccup was finally coming back to berk on the Friday coming it was now Wednesday and everyone was almost dying from having to wait till their hero came home.

"Two more days I can't believe it" Astrid screamed at Fishlegs "ugh we know you keep reminding us like every second" Snotlout groaned. Astrid lunged at him pinning him to the ground and taking multiple hit to Snotlout's face. "Woah there Astrid calm down I know two more days then Hiccup comes back" Fishlegs said helping her up. "Yeah i wonder if he has changed at all" Ruff said while drawing on her sleeping brothers face "nah he probably still a dorky fishbone" Snotlout said getting a glare from Astrid. Later that night all the teens went to bed and even though not all of them would admit it (cough Snotlout cough) they were excited for their friend to come home.

Dear Diary
It me again. I can't believe I'm actually writing things in you again but since Hiccup left it fells good telling someone. Well something. So hiccups coming home tomorrow I'm really really excited but scared at the same time. What if he forgot about us or fell in love with the other girl he was training with. It doesn't matter I gotta go help the gang decorate the great hall for tomorrow. So this is Astrid over and out for the last time.

Love Astrid

Astrid finished writing in her diary that was given to her when she was six. She never used it but after Hiccup left she felt the need to pour her feeling into something. And the diary magically appeared so she had been writing in it almost every day. She hid the book under her bed and grabbed her axe that desperately needing sharpening. As she sauntered through the village she noticed how dead it actually seemed without Hiccup. Before he left the chief said it would be quiet without him and boy was he right, nothing seemed to happen around here anymore but when Hiccup was here everyday things were going bad and going good. Everything was just so exciting. Astrid heaved open the double doors to the great hall with a bit of effort. Her friends were already helping hang up streamers for the chief and some villagers were setting up food tables. "Hey guys what do you need help with" Astrid asked not being amble to contain her excitement.

"He is coming home today, like today, T-O-D-A-Y" Astrid exclaimed "I know right I can't wait to see what he looks like" Ruff said matching her friends excitement. "Yeah I hope he has some new dragon facts he promised he would get some for me" Fishlegs said bouncing on his toes "hmm yeah I can't wait to see my cousin we've got heaps to catch up on" Snotlout said obviously happy. Tuffnut just nodded before speaking "yeah I can't wait........hold on what are we waiting for" he asked getting groans from everyone "Hiccup comes home today" Snotlout said "oh yeah this is awesome" Tuff said before bashing heads with his sister. Stoick came and stood in front of the crowd silencing them "now as all of you know today my son finally comes home before he left he said he would be here roughly around midday, which is in about an hour, so until then please do as you wish". The Gang sighed knowing that this hour would drag on forever.

All of Berk stood around bouncing their toes looking to the sky. Grey clouds formed on the horizon but no body cares they were all waiting for the arrival of their hero. But he never came.

"Alright everyone I know this has been disappointing but it seems that Hiccup is not coming but we must pray to the gods that he has only been held up" Stoick announced sadly. Everyone left off to their homes with glum expressions except for Astrid. She left her friends and ran to the cliff that Hiccup used to like coming to. A few tears fell down her cheeks before she gave up and let them flow. Astrid say crumpled on the ground for hours before she decided to get a grip and go home. "Jeez Astrid it doesn't matter if he forgot about Berk, about his father, about me" she told herself and went to leave. As she was leaving Astrid noticed a single ship on the horizon sailing straight for Berk. The ship was old and tattered from what she could tell and looked harmless. "I gotta tell the chief" she muttered before running off.

Love will prevail:Hiccstrid one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now