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I'm sorry I haven't updated for a while but my phone and laptop were taken away from me but I got them this is dedicated to @hiccupandastrid1 cause this was an idea she gave me also you should check out her HTTYD oneshots they are really good,

Two days ago a twister came through Berk destroying many houses. So Stoick had given the teens and Gobber the job of fixing these houses. But Hiccup didn't want to fix the houses, even though he knew that he would probably get a few punches from his girlfriend Astrid he didn't care. For some unknown reason he didn't feel like being responsible hiccup but he felt like being reckless Hiccup like how he was when he was trying out an invention or his flight suit. So Hiccup was gonna bludge and go to the cove (just pretend no one knows that's Hiccups and Astrid's special place).

It was a humid morning and Hiccup knew it would turn out to be a stinking hot day. So he was glad he had already sorted out a little plan to get out of work. The sun was only just rising as Hiccup jumped out his window onto the wet grass with toothless following behind him like a shadow. Hiccup chuckled as the Suns Rays finally hit the village, he was right it was gonna be a really hot day. A creaking from inside the haddock house startled Hiccup "we better go" he whispered to toothless, knowing that the creaking was his father's bed. It creaked whenever Stoick moved, so he must be getting restless Hiccup thought and sneaked off into the forests.

The terrible terrors and birds were finally waking up as Hiccup sauntered through the forest on his way to the cove. Hiccup was thinking about Astrid's reaction when he came back that afternoon, he flinched when thought about many punches he would get.

"Ugh it's soo hot" Hiccup groaned, making his way down into the cove. Toothless was already there chasing around a butterfly he found, completely oblivious to his riders complaints. It had only been around 5 minutes since the Viking and dragon had settled down for a breakfast of fish, when they heard the flapping of wings. They found me already seriously Hiccup thought, he did not want to work in these conditions the heat was just too much but his plan had failed so he had to give in to defeat. A well-known blue Deadly Nadder landed before Hiccup and toothless and chuckling Astrid got off. She approached her boyfriend still giggling, confusing Hiccup why wasn't she mad. "What's funny?" He questioned raising an eyebrow "it appears as though we both had the same idea" she answered "and what would that be" "we both decided to bludge fixing the houses and come here" she said and leaned in to kiss her boyfriend. Both pulled away puffed after the embrace smiling at each other before Astrid punched Hiccup "OW! What was that for" "that was for not telling me you were gonna skip work" she said smiling and gave him a kiss "and that is for everything else".

"We're probably getting skin cancer" cried Fishlegs rubbing more sunscreen lotion onto his skin "ugh I know it's so hot and where are Astrid and Hiccup they should be here helping us" Ruff said crossing her arms with an pissed off look on her face. All the Gang nodded with her before Stoick and Gobber appeared in the doorway "I quite agree with you, hiccups saddle is at home so he isn't flying.........i know we'll go look for them you can have a break for now while we all go check in the forest but we'll stay as a group understood" Stoick said the teens nodded putting down their tools and following the chief and blacksmith.


Astrid and Hiccup splashed around with their dragons in the lake. Astrid could practically feel her face burning every time she looked at Hiccup. She had been smart enough to bring swimmers where as Hiccup hadn't so he just swam in his boxers........shirtless. This was the first time Astrid had seen him shirtless and she was pretty much dying "of course as if the day isn't hot enough but then he has to go showing of his perfectly defined 4-pack making the day like a million time hotter" she grumbled "hahahahaha I heard that M'lady" Hiccup said swimming over to her and grabbing her waist, pulling her closer. Hiccup connected his lips to her in a sweet but firery and passionate kiss. Their lips moved in sync and both their tongues fighting for dominance. Astrid hands tangled into her boyfriends hair, she occasionally tugged a lock of hair getting a moan from Hiccup. One of his hands though had strayed to her thigh, as he caressed it gently below the surface. The other stayed on her hips keeping them both afloat.

This make out session had been going on and off for about ten minutes the two teenagers only stopping when their lungs begged for air. Astrid and hiccup were kissing again when a groan of disgust interrupted them. " And we've been caught haven't we" hiccup said while astrid nodded. They looked up to see their friends, Gobber and Stoick. Astrid turned bright red while Hiccup disappeared beneath the waters surface but soon he couldn't hold his breath anymore and popped back up to see his father's glaring gaze. "Its lovely to know that you skip work to come here and swim and do other things" Gobber said chuckling while Stoick and the gang were unamused. "This is very irresponsible, I'm very disappointed in you Hiccup and you too miss Hofferson. Stoick said and Astrid gulped he had never called her miss Hofferson before it was always Astrid or even sometimes my future daughter in law. Hiccup and Astrid knew this wasn't gonna end well. "I've decided because you purposely skipped work you'll have to fix the houses on your own" Stoick stated but was interrupted by a groaning Hiccup "and because of what we just witnessed for as long as you fix the houses for their will be NO PDA at all got that" "What come on seriously that wasn't even that bad and it might take us five weeks to fix all those house and I'm not aloud to kiss Astrid in public at all during that time" Hiccup yelled and his father nodded "this suck" he mumbled getting out and getting dressed while Astrid did the same. The walk back to the village was quiet with the occasional mumble from Hiccup who was undoubted pissed. "You know what I think I'm gonna go ride Hookfang and enjoy the wind on my face this hot day such a shame you guys have to work" snotlout snickered when they arrived at berk Astrid glared at Snotlout whom Hiccup shot him the finger making all of them gasp. They were really shocked at how pissed Hiccup truly was and seriously when Hiccup gets mad he's even worse than Astrid. That's right worse. But he rarely got mad so it didn't seem like it. "I saw that Hiccup" stoick warned Hiccup just rolled his eyes, took Astrid's hand and pulled her towards the houses. "AND REMEMBER NO PDA" the twins teased but immediately regretted it. "Okay who wants to die" Hiccup yelled before chasing after them and for once he actually did catch them and also for once the twins finally learnt something. 'When hiccups mad DO NOT make it worse'

During the period of which they had to fix the houses, the couple had been spending more private time together to make up for the no PDA. But neither were complaining private displays of affection were much more fun;)
;) the little winking face at the end totally fits what I was talking about you know. Any way hope you liked it and Love you all.

Peace out

Love will prevail:Hiccstrid one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now