When I realised I loved you

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Astrid and hiccup had just made their relationship public. All the Viking cheered for the young couple, well all but one. Snotlout sat at the gangs table with a sour expression but nobody cared he would just have to get over it. "Drinks in honour of my Son and his new found love" Stoick's voice boomed with pride,

"New found, I've loved her ever since I laid eyes on, her all those years ago" although this was whispered under his breath, Astrid heard and she whispered into Hiccups ear,

"ever since you made my axe for me in the forge, for my birthday" Hiccup remembered the day like it was yesterday and smiled at the memory, wait how did she know?

Hiccup was 6 and had only been at Gobbers smithy for a couple of months, Astrids family had never been wealthy and didn't have enough money to pay for much apart from essentials so their weapons were their favourite possessions, but Astrids parents couldn't afford the axe their daughter had always wanted, Hiccup had heard Astrids mother sobbing to her husband, Astrids birthday was a month away and they couldn't get what she wanted, the little boy went straight to Gobbers forge, He worked tirelessly for weeks, he was only 6 and even a simple design would have been difficult even for a trained smith at age 6, nevertheless he fashioned his first weapon, it was simple yet elegant, shining and glinting in the light of the coals at the furnace, Gobber had been watching the little lad and finally inspected the beautiful piece of work.

"This is amazing lad!" his eyes were starting to tear up as he marvelled at how skilled the boy was.

"Don't cry Gobber" the little boy squeaked, the blacksmith dried his eyes

"who is the axe for lad?" Hiccup looked at his feet before answering,

"A..Ast..Astrid, I...heard her mummy crying... that she couldn't buy her an axe..." The little boy was having a hard time explaining through his stutter before Gobber starting sobbing loudly,

"go..sob...give her...sob... the present...sob..." The little boy lifted the axe struggling under the weight, he stumbled out of the forge off to the Hoffersons, "that boy has a heart bigger than all of us put together" Gobber would never forget this moment. Hiccup knocked on the Hoffersons front door, there was muffled sobs before Mrs Hofferson answered the door he husband standing behind.

"Hiccup! What have you got there?" Astrids mother was a sweet woman and was always kind to him, Hiccup looked at his feet and then straight into the woman's eyes,

"here" the little boys squeaked and handed Mrs Hofferson the axe,

"are you sure?" The little boy nodded, this was the first time Hiccup didn't stutter when talking to adults, he wore serious expression, "did you make this?" Hiccup nodded again

"now you can give Astrid the axe she always wanted" and with that the boy ran off back home. The two just stood in the doorway mouths open as they watched Hiccup run up the hill, they both looked down at the beautiful axe clutched tightly in Mrs Hoffersons arms, she burst out crying again and hugged her husband, "why would he do such a wonderful thing? He had no reason to be so generous" his wife was awestruck.

"Because that's who he is" he replied, that was the day Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III gained his undying respect.

Astrid's birthday came and the little blond Viking bounded out of bed and down stairs to her parents who were waiting in the kitchen,

"happy birthday sweetie I hope you like your present" Astrid's eyes rested where her mother was pointing, a brand new deadly sharp double edged battle axe, she picked up the weapon in awe and hugged her mother and father tightly, but the little girl was not fooled, she knew they had no money to spend on such a magnificent weapon,

"how did you buy this mum?" Her mother sighed and looked to her father, he nodded,

"we didn't, Hiccup made you the axe because he knew we couldn't afford one, and gave it to us without even asking for a thank you".

Astrid Hofferson felt something stir inside her that could only mean one thing, she left her house in search of one person and one person only, she found him being pushed around by the others as usual, she punched Snotlout in the nose and slapped Tuffnut across the face, she took one look at the boy and hugged him, as she hugged him the stir became a warm feeling, she did not know it then but looking back on it now she knew that was the moment she fell in love.
IM SO HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!
My best friend finally broke up with her boyfriend ugh he was so horrible. He wasn't abusive to her or anything but he was a bully to like so many people and he never liked her talking to my group and I but now they are over so I'm happy!!!
I hope you liked it! I LOVE YOU BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE<3

Peace Out ✌️
Peace Out ✌️

Love will prevail:Hiccstrid one shotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora