Soul mates

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This is a Modern hiccstrid
Astrid's P.o.v

"Do you believe in soulmates" my fiancé Eret asked me, I sighed and looked down at engagement ring on my finger before replying. "No" I stated icily "well I do and I believe that YOU are my soulmate" he said while grabbing my hands and kissing them. I smiled at him and excused myself to got to the bathroom. I sat on the tile floor repeating his words in my head, once upon a time something like that would have made my heart flutter but now I felt nothing at all. It was all because of him, all because of Hiccup Haddock. I had to stop denying it I was still in love with that dork, to be honest i can't even remember why we broke up it was just all a distant memory or should I say regret. I think I'm more in love with the IDEA of Eret then I am actually in love with HIM. I shook the thought of Hiccup from my head and went to bed where my loving fiancé was already asleep. I cuddled up to him but something couldn't help but feel wrong but as always I dismissed the feeling and drifted of to sleep.

The next day Eret said had to go away for work. I sighed and said my goodbyes, he always was away because of work. Sometimes he was away months at a time. "Hey sweet pea, it's only for 3 months I'll be home before you know it" He said quietly while hugging me, I gritted my teeth I hated pet names like sweet pea or honey-bunch. Hiccup knew that so why doesn't my fiancé. He gave me a long tender kiss and then got into his car and drove off. I walked inside when I got the brilliant idea to surprise Eret by going to his apartment in New York with all my stuff and move in with him. He lived in the metro apartments in NYC he always came to my house that is actually my parents it's just that they are on vacation. I ran inside before shoving all my clothes and some other thing into multiple suitcases, I'll come back for my other stuff in a few days. I bought a one-way ticket to New York. The flight was in three days so I had time to plan what I would do, Eret always told me how he loved to watch the sunrise and I could use that to plan my arrival. At 5:00am I am gonna sneak into his apartment and jump on him to wake him up. Then we can cuddle for awhile and then at 6:00am we can go watch the sunrise together. My plan was perfect now its just time to put it into action.

I grabbed my purse out of the dirty yellow NYC cab before paying the driver who smiled and thanked me for the extra tip and drove away. I had left all my other luggage at the hotel not wanting to drag them around the streets. I smoothed down my black dress and fixed my hair and walked into the fancy building in front of me. I smiled to the receptionist and headed to the elevator. Eret always left a spare keycard in his safe, I knew the code of course, so I had a way to get in without his permission. The button for level 24 lit up as I pressed it, the repetitive but calming elevator music ran through my ears. A ding woke me from my daydream and the elevator doors opened. I sauntered down the hall until I reach room 2415, I swiped the keycard and wait for the light to turn green telling me that I was free to enter. The room I entered was dark and smelt of roses, that made me curious, Eret hated the smell of any flower. So why did his apartment reek of the strongest smelling flower? I made my way to his bedroom and saw a sleeping figure lying there. Next to another sleeping figure. I gasped feeling my eyes well up with tears, I tiptoed over to him and the naked fiery redhead next to him and smelt their breathe. Ugh Astrid you are a freak I thought to myself but I had to see if there was any trace of alcohol. But there wasn't any. I sighed to myself and brushed away my tears he wasn't worth crying over. I found a card on the woman's bedside table I picked it up and it read:
Dear Merida
You are the best wife a man could ask for, even though I go away for months I still come back and your love for me has not faded. You are the one that makes my heart race and you are what I need to survive.

I love you my dear

I clenched my jaw a threw the card on the floor. I snatched a piece of paper up from the table and found a pen. I furiously wrote down on the paper telling him to take back his ring and that if he valued his d**k then he won't come after me. I twisted off my ring and put it with the note along with the keycard. I stormed out with tears streaming down my face and my mascara running down my cheeks. The elevator music now only agitated me and the smiling receptionist got a cold hard stare instead of a smile.

I wind whipped my hair back and forth as I sat on a swing in Central Park no one was around, as it was only 5:27am. It was funny even though I cried when I saw with that other girl my heart didn't ache or break at all. It was already broken and it has been since the day I left Hiccup, maybe that's why Eret cheated on me and had an affair. It was because I was holding back on him but then again he was already married to that Merida chick so he was probably cheating on her with me. "Astrid why did you let Hiccup go! Why! Why! Why! You stupid person" i told myself while banging my head against my palm. A voice like silk drifted through the air, a voice I had not heard in forever. The voice sang a song I didn't know accompanied by a guitar. I left my spot on the swing and followed the voice, it led me to a person sitting on a park bench along with a guitar and notepad. "When the sun rises I regret all the days I gotta spend without but I....UGH I can't think" the man sang and muttered towards the end "and now I'm talking to myself great" he said sarcastically. I knew that voice and sarcasm anywhere, so I decided to speak up. "Hiccup" I rasped and the person shot around standing up in the process. "Jeez you scared me lady" Hiccup said before squinting "oh my gods Astrid, is that you I mean really I haven't seen you in ages, oh you've been crying are you okay" I he gushed without taking a breathe making me google like a school girl. Even now Hiccup had the power to make me feel like I was five and make all my problems disappear. I sat down and told him what happened. He eyes went from caring to anger to frustration to anger and then at last to compassion. "Sorry Astrid there is just some people like that out there, you didn't deserve for that to happen but it did so now all you can do is forget about it and move on" he said wrapping an arm around my shoulders "I know" I mumbled burying my head into his shoulder. I missed this just hugging while Hiccup stroked my hair and whispered wonderful things into my ear, I could never do this with Eret he would just push to know exactly what happened but Hiccup only listened to what you wanted to say and never pressured you to say more. It was only in this moment when I realised that I had never said 'I love you' to Eret and I decided here and now that I wanted Hiccup back, I needed Hiccup back. "I'm so sorry Hiccup I can't even remember why we broke up, I loved you and I still love you so could you maybe consider going to Starbucks tomorrow with me" I said pausing to do that weird breath thing you do when you just stopped crying. Hiccup smiled "of course I'd love to go to Starbucks with you M'lady" he said. 'M'lady' he called me his pet name for me again. I loved this name and with his voice saying it I felt like I was on cloud nine I wanted to squeal and jump around but instead I smiled "okay tomorrow it is I'll see you at 10". "Today" he corrects and points to the now risen sun on the horizon, I punch his arm "okay okay I'll see you at 10 where shall I meet you" he asks "right here" I reply before kissing his cheek and running off to hale a cab. Eret will be waking up soon and he'll see the note but I don't care anymore but I think back to the last conversation we had that wasn't a goodbye.
'Do you believe in soulmates'
I smiled and looked up "I change my answer" I whispered as the sun rays finally hit the earth "yes, yes I do believe in soulmates and Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III is my one and only love, he is my soulmate".
So this one was based on a song my brothers girlfriend wrote, she really good at song writing and singing. Any way so I thought I'd turn it into a one shot. Hope you enjoyed. Love all of U

PpEeAaCcEe OoUuTt✌️✌️

Love will prevail:Hiccstrid one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now