I love you! What?

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Astrid's P.O.V

Snotlout was still bragging about his win in Thawfest and it's starting to piss me off. I'm the only one who knows what Hiccup did not even the chief realised it. Hiccup threw the dragon race so snotlout could keep his father proud. He was just so perfect and always thought of others rather than himself. That was the last straw I have to tell Hiccup how I feel I think to myself while I'm laying in bed. He was just such an amazing person and I want to call him mine, I need to. The cold air attacked my bare skin as I took off my blankets to get dressed. I better get ready to go to the academy and then I can tell Hiccup how I feel so I have to get there early before the other teens come.

"Ugh come on Hiccup" I groaned as I walked into the arena. No one was here not even Hiccup and he better get here soon or I'll punch him so hard. I sauntered over to Stormfly's stable with some chicken I brought for her. "Hey girl how are you" I ask feeding her "squark" she replied scoffing down her chicken leg. My heart was beating really hard as I thought about what I am going to say to hiccup, "alright Stormfly's I'm gonna do it" I say trying to sound more confident than I was but that plan didn't work out. Stormfly looked at me with wide eyes she knew what I meant "okay I need to practice on you" I murmur getting a reassuring nudge from Stormfly. "So hiccup I.......um....need...to umm" I stutter "UGH Astrid get a grip" I yell at myself "okay let's do this again". I look at Stormfly and start my speech. "Hiccup we've been friends for awhile, as close as friends can get really but in my heart I've got a secret just for you and me to know. I have tried to tell you many times but my nerves got in the way and I can't wait another day to say what I must say........I love you" I blurt out felling a weight lift off my chest but soon the weight returned practically pushing me to the ground when an all too familiar voice ran through my ears. "Wait.....what" Hiccup asked completely shocked with the rest of the gang behind him "w...wh...what did you just say" he said again. The blood rushed to my cheeks heating them up. The air around me became hard to breathe. The Gang were all just staring looking at me with an assortment of shock, jealousy surprise and a bit of anger. I averted my gaze from them but regretted it after. Instead I found the gaze of two emerald eyes under auburn bangs. His gaze held mine making my heart skip a beat but I couldn't believe what I just did it was so unastrid like and he heard what I said and the gang heard what I said. I felt quesy like I was gonna faint but warriors don't faint so I quickly jumped onto Stormfly and flew off. As I was leaving I heard Hiccup call my name but I continued to fly. The wind whipping through my hair was one thing I usually loved but right now I felt like dying. In a hole. Where no one will ever. Ever. Ever. Find me. Everything was okay until I heard a screech. A Nightfury screech.
Oh no!!!!!
Even worse this is based on experience:0
Not mine though my friends. This exact thing happened to her she was practicing what she was gonna say to one of our guy friends who she liked and we all walked over and heard the WHOLE thing. They ended up together though so YAY!!!! And me being the great friend I am....laughed at her and then comforted her so...yeah. Hope you liked it should I make a part two...
love all of you.....you are all beautiful girls......or hot guys

I don't discriminate:/


Love will prevail:Hiccstrid one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now