A Rufflout Story

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So sorry guys but I have been on vacation but I got this idea while driving, I hope you like it

Ruffnut's P.o.v

I pushed my idiot brother into Fishlegs causing them both to fall to the ground. I was sitting in the great hall with legs, lout, Astrid and tuff. I think Astrid said Hiccup was working in forge or something, I don't know. I sighed and played with my yak soup, Tuff was now paying attention to Fishlegs leaving me to my own thoughts. I listened in to Snotlout telling Astrid how Hiccup wasn't right for her and that she should be with him. I groaned in frustration not only because I majorly ship Hiccstrid but because I also have a massive crush on snotlout but he never notices.

"Astrid I could keep safe and I could hold you in my muscular arms...." he pestered her. She looked over at me and I just shrugged. I imagined that Snotlout was saying those words to me and it made my heart flutter. Even though he was a bit of a show off and he bragged a lot there was just something about him. Something that made him perfect, well to me at least. Thoughts were crashing through my head like wrecking balls. The more I thought about Snotlout and how he would never like me that way, the more tears started to blur my vision. I had to let it out but I couldn't let anyone see me cry especially my brother. Without even excusing myself I got up and walked out, I could their feel their eyes turn and look at me but I didn't care I had to get out. I closed the doors and ran straight into Hiccup. He groaned and helped me up.

"You alright Ruff" he asked.

"Yep" I said not looking at him, I didn't want him to see my tears either.

"Oh my gods Ruff you're crying are you okay" he gushed and I smiled a bit. I knew that Hiccup was one person who wouldn't judge me but I didn't feel like talking and he seemed to understand.

"Okay you don't have to tell me now but listen if you ever need to talk you know where to find me" He said. I nodded and he let me pass. I waved bye and he waved back and entered the hall. 'He really understands girls' I thought, I walked down to the bottom of the steps and sat down hopefully no other vikings would see me. I wiped away my tears only for more to form.

"Ugh you're a Viking Ruff, vikings don't cry" I reminded myself but I couldn't help it. I sighed and just let them flow. The hot salty tears reached my lips and I could taste all my pain and longing in them. Stupid Snotlout why? Why? Why? Why did he have to make me go weak at the knees when he smiled? Why did he make me loose control of my feelings and make me act all girly? Why did he make my heart yearn for his love, his touch? I sat there letting it all out coming to a realisation that he would never love me, I mean I'm nothing like Astrid and I can't compete with her beauty. And for thors sake she's with Hiccup yet Snotlout still fights for her. It no fair, she my best friend and all but I can't help but get a bit jealous. She is dating Hiccup, like the sweetest guy ever not to mention he pretty damn hot but she also has the guy I like chasing her. I study my hands trying to make out the lines on my palm in the dark when a figure sits beside me.

"Why did you leave" he said and my heart pretty much exploded. He cared he came out here to ask why I left, he actually noticed.

"Didn't feel like socialising" I muttered even though he was here I was still down.

"Why? You usually just beat up your brother if you don't feel like talking so why'd you come out here this time" Snotlout questioned. He was so close I could see his blue eyes sparkling in the darkness.

"Okay I was upset I just thought of something and I didn't want anyone to see me cry" I sniffed and what Snotlout did next made me freeze. He wrapped one arm around me and pulled me close, giving me a side ways hug.

"You could always talk to me" he suggested.

"You really want to know" I asked looking up letting him see my tear stained cheeks. He wiped away some stray tears that had escape my eyes and nodded. I let out a shaky breath and turned myself to face him.

"Snotlout I've liked you for awhile now it I know you don't like me back so it just breaks my heart when you talk to Astrid like that and even though she's taken you still fight for her and it just...never mind look just forget everything I just said okay I didn't mean to make things awkward but yeah" I cried. I got up and went to leave but Snotlout grabbed my waist and spun me back around. I was about to question him when he smashed his lips onto my own. I was shocked at first but reciprocated the action after. I wrapped my arms around his neck and his hands still stayed settled on my waist. We both pulled away once our lungs were begging for air. He smiled brightly at me and I smiled back.

"I'm not gonna lie yeah I did like Astrid but once her and Hiccup got into that flirtationship thingy I realised that they were meant to be and honestly after that I did start to develop feeling for you the way to smiled and the way your eyes lit up at the mention of destroying something and as we got older and we all became and bit more mature I decided that I loved you but I didn't think you felt the same so I kept going after Astrid to attempt and bury my feeling but it didn't work. Ruff I love you" he whispered. Oh my gods I felt like I was soaring through the clouds or something when those words left his mouth. I giggled a bit and pecked his lips causing him to blush.

"I-I-I love you too" I stuttered and he picked me up and spun me around.

"Okay then babe how bout I take you on a date then" he offered. My heart pounded against my rib cage.

"Sure babe" I said putting emphasis on the word 'babe' like he had. He grinned and grabbed my hand intertwining our finger. Using his free hand he whistled for Hookfang. For once the monstrous nightmare actually came and we climbed on. The dragon eyed me curiously and growled to his rider. Snotlout lent forward and whispered something to him. The dragon snorted and we flew off. I hesitantly put my arms around his torso and placed my head on his shoulder but he lent into my touch making me smile. He liked no wait loved me back. This day couldn't get any better.
Okay so I thought it would be cute to do a story like this and can I just say this was actually hard because Ruff isn't that girly and don't think that snotlout could be THAT sweet and Hookfang definitely wouldn't behave line that. So while was writing this story i kinda was thinking of Hiccup and Astrid but I was like no Ruff and Snotlout but it didn't really work out but all well. Hope you enjoyed it and I love all you awesome people😄


Love will prevail:Hiccstrid one shotsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant