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"Kemoni, wake up girly. Let's go."

She was knocked out as we pulled up to Big Unc house. It was still early hours of the morning. Kemari hadn't spoken a word of what happened.

The porch light came on as the trunk closed, Kemari had our bags.

The screen door screeched open, "Y'all get on in here. The bedrooms are ready for you."

"Hey auntie." Kemari mumbled.

"Hey baby, your uncle is waiting for you.... Well, well, well one delivers and another shows up expecting."

Kemari excused himself from our presence and went inside the house.

I smiled at her holding Jr in my arms. He was sleeping so peacefully obviously to everything that was going on.

"Auntieeeee. It's been too long!" Kimora said coming over to her.

I glanced down and noticed Kemoni was still sleep.

"What's up Auntie?" Drako spoke coming from behind his car.

"Boy you got big and you look good."

He cheesed, "You know how I do."

"Drako can you grab Kemoni, please," I asked.

"Yea sis, I got you."

I moved out of his way and we finally made our way inside the house. We could hear mummery of Big Unc and Kemari talking.

I walked into the room furtherest down the hall.  Kemari already had Jr's bassinet setup. I gently laid him down in it. Drako came in behind me leaning over to lay Kemoni down on the twin size bed that sat in the corner of the room. I noticed how big the room was as I looked around. It held a queen size bed, a twin bed, the bedroom furniture, and it was still space for the bassinet and plenty of walking room. You'd never think it was this large from the outside. Outside it looked like a traditional old southern home.

"Drako, what's going on?" I asked before he walked out the room.

"I don't have all the details myself."

"So what you do know?"


I laughed, that meant he didn't want to get involved, "Alright, Drako."

"Thank you Lex," he said then laughed.

"One more question tho, where Keon and Angel?"

"Angel with her folks but she's coming too and I don't know bout Keon. That should give you a clue tho."

My brows raised, "Noted."

"I'm about to go help Jeshae and Chico."

"Alright, preciate your help."

"Anytime sis."

I sat down on the bed and tried putting together the pieces of this scattered puzzle. What was Keon up too? I recalled serval group chat messages from Angel saying he wasn't doing right but I ain't think he'd do some to this magnitude. Was that why Angel was with folks rather than here? I had a million questions running through my mind. All of it came to pause as Kemari walked into the room.

"You straight?" He asked so casually like we just drove hours away from our home for a vacation or some.

"I'm good, I just want to know what's going on and why we're even here."

"Nothing for you to worry bout. Heat is hot, we letting it cool off."

I squinted my eyes, "What does that even mean?"

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