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I'll edit it later. Enjoy!

Day 5

It wasn't much improvement, but Kemari was stable and was still breathing on his own. That's all we knew that was partially good news. The bad news was it wasn't any response to anything physically but it was brain activity. It's as if he's in a deep ass sleep but dreaming.

I haven't left his side and haven't heard much from the crew either since two days ago. Drako was arrested for Keon death, Kimora was still with Big Unc, Auntie Pat and the kids, while Chico and Jeshae were doing whatever they did. Angel would come sit with me for a little bit and then head back to her side every other day. For the most part things left like the rain was clearing out and the sun would break through the clouds at any second.

The only way that could even possibly happen is with Kemari getting up.

"Lex, Lex."

I glanced up at Kemonee, who zoomed through the door as soon as I looked up at her.

"Hey girly girl" I spoke back in a truthfully tired tone. Posted on this sofa recliner bed, hasn't been the best sleep I've ever gotten.

"Why daddy look like that?" She questioned.

"He's just getting some good sleep to help him get better."

She hopped down from my lap and went closer to the bed, "But why he not say something?"

"Because he can't talk in his deep sleep. It's like that movie we watched and the princess couldn't come out her deep sleep until it was time."

"We gotta find a frog and bring it. Ima go ask auntie Pat."

As soon as she went to go out the door, in Auntie Pat and KJ came.

I missed my snookems' so much. I raced over to grab him from auntie Pat.

"Hey baby." I kissed his forehead and snuggle him close in my arms.

"They said anything?" Auntie Pat asked.

"No, sadly they have not."

"Well, they had the service for Keon and Kiy has been trying to pull some strings for Lil D and getting him out. Kimora is feeling fine.

"Who is Lil D?" I asked sitting back in the chair with Jr.

Auntie Pat chuckled, "Sorry, y'all call him Drako."

"Oh okay," I responded.

"Kiy found out that the witnesses who were involved with identifying Lil D as the shooter was the same boys who started the problem in the first place."

I shook my head, "Street code stuff just really gets in my nerves. Had some been said since this all popped up, it may have turned out different."

"We both know this still would've happened. It's in their blood."

"Yeah but for Keon to turn like that and for so many close people to be so involved and trying to just do stuff, I don't get it. What's was the point?"

Auntie Pat looked at me sternly, "Baby that phrase it runs in the bloodline is a hell of a fact. Why do you think Kiyonis moved all the way down this way? It's the same story except it didn't escalate that far because he got out after."

"What do you mean after?" I asked.

"It was 3 of them. Kiyonis, Kimaya, and Kireon. Kiyonis and Kireon were attached to the hip growing up, they were introduced to the game early. Kiyonis was 17 and had worked his way up the rankings and Kireon was 14. Kireon had set up a drug deal with these boys on the other side of town. What started off as a normal drug deal, turned quickly. Kireon had set up Kiyonis to be robbed by these guys. After that happened, Kiyonis wanted get back and he got it. This then lead to an all out bleeding war between them and the other guys."

"Wait, all this as teenagers? 14 is young as hell."

"Every bit of it. One day Kiyonis, Kimaya, and their father were at their home. Kireon came home and told their father it was someone outside who wanted him. So he and Kimaya who was always following her daddy around went outside. The next thing we hear is gunshots just loading off. Kiyonis rushed outside and saw his father bleeding out on the ground and Kimaya huddled over into a corner of the garage hiding."

"You were there too?" I asked noticing her choice of words.

"I was but that's a another story. Kireon comes out and has a gun pointed to Kiyonis. Kiyonis asked his brother what was he doing and Kireon said making sure he was set for the rest of his life. Kireon was so mad at their father for not letting him do as much as he did Kiyonis and he was jealous of how fast Kiyonis moved their the rankings and the things he gained from it. Kireon was a hot head and let his temper and emotions get the best of him."

That must be where Kemari hot headed temper came from.

Auntie Pat continued, "Kiyonis charged at him trying to knock the gun away. Kireon managed to get from under Kiyonis with the gun still in his hand. Three shots rang out and Kireon fell over. Kiyonis had to bury his father and brother."

"Kimaya watched all of this? What did Big Unk do after that? What the hell?" I rounded off my questions with a confused look.

"She did and it traumatized her. It's crazy because history literally repeated itself especially with these Simmon's.. Kimaya was 15 as she saw all this happening. We're the same age and we were best friends. She took everything hard and began to spiral. Kiyonis tried to help her but she wasn't receptive of it. She rebelled against anyone who tried to help her. As for Kiyonis, he still did little stuff when it came to the game but he almost did a 360. My father took Kiyonis under his wing and showed him a legitimate way to go about business. It wasn't until I was pregnant that he left the game completely. We got married and moved away. Once Kimaya had him and then Kimora and years later Keon, Pat tried to do what he could and they even stayed with us for a little while but then they moved. The only reason we found out where they were was from Kemari. He was 15 and got into some trouble and one of his buddies called him."

"Wow," was all I could say.

The monitors became to start bleeping louder. With a racing heart I looked down at Kemari and back to the machine. Within seconds a swarm of people came bursting through the door.

"You guys will have to step out for me..."

"What's happening?" My heart was pounding. I left like it was about to explode through my chest.


"Come on Lex and Kemonee," Auntie Pat said.

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