Captiolo (2) Due ~ Missing

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Breaking news, the infamous Tony Stark has reportedly been captured by an unnamed group after presenting the new Stark Industry Jericho Missile to the United States Air Force for the United States Armed Forces. As of now, there have been no reports on the whereabouts of Mr. Stark–

I mute the T.V.

Tony Starks missing.


I quickly snatch my phone and hit Peppers contact.

"Please tell me you're not seeing this too because if your seeing this that means it's real and if it's real that means he's gone and I don't know what to do if he's gone." Pepper said all in one breath right as she answered. I had to pause for a minute just so I could fully process what she was saying.

"It's real, Pep. It's real." I let out a sigh. "What do you want me to do?"

"Can you- can you come over to the office? Please? I'll probably need help dealing with the press and stuff. Probably Morgan too. Rhody's also coming over to help fill me in on as much information as he can give me on what happened as well, so we might be able to rope him into helping."

I let out a small chuckle at the mention of roping Rhody into this since I know for a fact it'll start with a lot of arguing on his part on how "as much as he would love to help, he has his own work with the Pentagon to find out what happened out there" or something, while Pepper and I beg him to help and convince him that someone else is probably already doing all of that. We might be able to get Morgan to use her infamous puppy dog eyes on him to help if needed.

"Of course, I'll come over," I start, already grabbing my keys and making my way out the door. "I'll be there in 15, hopefully, sooner if I don't hit all the lights," I say getting into and starting my car.

"The company's half an hour away though?"

"You know how I drive." I shrug, even though I know she can't see me. "Plus, the sooner I get there the better."

"Ok, just be safe. I don't need to lose you and Tony on the same day." Pepper murmured, sounding like she almost deflated right then and there.

"You won't lose me Pep, you're stuck with me till we're old and wrinkly." I turn my car on and hang up the phone.


I arrived at Stark Industries with a few minutes to spare. I walk into the main office building and to Tony's office, following the sound of Pepper yelling, probably on the phone with the press wanting to know what going on and what's going to happen to the company.

"I will call you back as soon as I know what is going on but for now, I am going to hang up the phone so that I can figure out what happened to my husband."

I watch as Pepper angrily hung up the phone, typing away at the computer so fast I could barely see where her fingers were stopping to hit the keys.


Peppers head shot towards me so fast I was afraid she got whiplash.

"Avery." She shot off from her spot at the desk and ran towards me, enveloping me in a huge hug.

"It'll be ok. This is Tony we're talking about. He always comes out in the end. I'm sure Rhody will find him. We just gotta hope for the best."

I don't know who I was trying to convince more, Pepper or myself.

"Your right, your right. I'm just so nervous. Things between us have already been rocky, I don't know what would happen if he died out there and the last thing I remember about us is how we were barely even sleeping in the same bed."

Pepper and Tony had known each other for a long time, them starting their relationship as purely boss-worker. Somehow, throughout Tony's partying and sleeping around and Pepper's 24/7 work-life, they managed to create some type of spark in their relationship. They started secretly dating in 2000, not even telling Rhody and me. They finally came out to us about it in 2003, and the press found out about it in 2004. In 2005 they had Morgan, and they got engaged a year later.

I know, it shocked almost everyone else too.

No one really knows how or when it happened, not even me, and I was in the background of a few of the couple's get-togethers, but it did. The two ended up getting married a year later, Rhodey being the best man and myself the maid of honor with Morgan being the flower girl, and were living happily for quite a while.

But something happened to them. They started having more petty arguments, Pepper would stay in the other guest room more often than not, and the two started getting so engrossed in work they didn't see each other much.

Tony tried to fix it by making Pep his personal secretary, and though she was doing an amazing job, nothing much seemed to change between the two. Their relationship is pretty much hanging together by a thread at this point.

I've tried my best to help in any way I could, whether it be to lesson a workload for Pepper or even Tony so that they could go see each other or even set up dates disguised as some type of business dinner, but it always somehow backfired to them arguing more.

I hope the last memory they have of each other isn't of them fighting.

Dear God please help me out here and bring Tony back safe. 

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