Captiolo (8) Otto ~ Iron Man

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"You've all received the official statement of what occurred at Stark Industries last night. There have been unconfirmed reports that a robotic prototype malfunctioned and caused damage to the arc reactor. Fortunately, a member of Tony Stark's personal security staff..."

Rhodey's talk to the press played behind us, letting us know what was being said in the room beside us. Tony was reading a newspaper while Pepper put makeup on his face, trying to cover up any bruising as I watched Rhodey on the t.v.

"'Iron Man.'" That's kind of catchy. It's got a nice ring to it. I mean it's not technically accurate. The suit's a gold-titanium alloy," Tony groaned as Pepper took the medical tape off his nose without warning. "But it's kind of evocative, the imagery, anyway."

"Here's your alibi." Agent Coulson came over, handing Tony some blue flashcards.

"Okay." Tony put the paper down as he looked through the cards.

"You were on your yacht. We have port papers that put you in Avalon all night, and sworn statements from 50 of your guests."

"See I was thinking maybe we should just say it was my daughter, Peg here, and me at her little tropical condo she thinks no one knows about." He looked over at me as I sent him a warning glare.

"That's what happened."

"All right."

"Just read it word for word."

Tony's eyebrows furrowed as he read threw the cards properly. "There's nothing about Stane here."

"That's being handled. He's on vacation." Agent Coulson supplied.

"Yeah, 'cause small aircrafts have such a poor safety record," I mumbled, crossing my prosthetic leg over my real one.

"But what about the whole cover story that it's a bodyguard?" Tony ignored my quip. "He's my... I mean, is that... That's kind of flimsy, don't you think?"

"This isn't my first rodeo, Mr. Stark. Just stick to the official statement, and soon this will all be behind you." Coulson said as we heard the sound of little feet rushing towards us.

"Dad!" Morgan yelled as she burst into the room, running straight to her father.

"Maguna!" He yelled back, picking her up and swinging her around in his arms.

"Morgan! Didn't I tell you not to run!" Morgan's babysitter called out as she entered the room. "Sorry, Mr. and Mrs. Stark. When I told her what room you guys were in she just started running."

"It's okay, Caroline. Thank you for watching her while we dealt with all of this." Pepper smiled, walking over to her daughter.

"No problem. Hey Mr. Stark." The woman smiled.

"Hey kid, how did Morgan do with you?" Tony asked, setting Morgan down.

"The kid did pretty well. She missed you guys though, didn't you?"

"Yeah!" Morgan yelled, hugging her father's leg.

"Hey Morgan, did you see who else is here?" Tony pointed up at me.

"Aunty Avee!" Morgan practically screeched, detaching herself from her father and running over to me.

"Hey, sweetheart! I missed you!" I stood, picking her up and holding her close as she hugged me. "And you know who else missed you?" I asked, putting on a pretend serious face, Morgan trying her best to copy.


"Miss Tickle Monster!" I yelled, using my free hand to start tickling the child. She started laughing as I hit all of her ticklish spots, trying to squirm out of my grasp. I helped gently set her down, and she ran back to the other side of the table to hide behind her mother's legs.

"No! No more Miss Tickle Moster!" She giggled.

"That's probably for the best, as your fathers about to go on t.v." Pepper pointed out. I looked up to the television to see Rhodey finishing up his speech.

"I've got to go anyway, my ride's here. I'll hopefully see you all soon!" Caroline said, saying goodbye to all of us before leaving.

"Let's get this show on the road," Pepper said, grabbing Tony's jacket and helping him put it on.

"You know, it's not half bad. Even I don't think I'm Iron man." Tony smirked as he put the cards in his mouth so he could put the coat on.

"Your not Iron Man," I smirked.

"Am so," He argued back.

"You're not." I lightly glared.

"All right, suit yourself." He quickly said, fixing his cuffs as Pepper fixed his collar. "You know, if I were Iron Man, I'd have this girlfriend who knew my true identity. She'd be a wreck, 'cause she'd always be worrying that I was going to die yet so proud of the man I'd become." Tony said as Pepper repeatedly slapped the sides of his arms, violently smoothing everything down.

"Too bad you don't have one of those." Pepper lightly joked as Tony stared at me.

"Yeah, well she'd be wildly conflicted, which would only make her more," Tony glanced at Morgan, who was staring up at the television on the wall before clearing his throat. "Crazy about me."

"Come on, Morgan. Your dad seems to have something to say to your Aunt Avery." Pepper grabbed her daughter's attention, taking her hand and leading her to the press room.

"What-hold on-Pepper!" I gaped as she left me alone with Tony.

"Tell me you never think about that night." Tony continued to stare at me as I kept my attention on the door.

"What night."

"You know."

I finally looked over at the man, his eyes feeling like they were piercing my soul.

"Are you talking about the night that we danced and went up on the roof," Tony started to smirk, but it quickly faded when I continued. "And then, and then you went downstairs to get me a drink, and you left me there, by myself? Is that the night your talking about?"


"Thought so," I smirked myself, looking down. "Come on, Tones. It's time for your statement." I started walking to the door, Tony opening it for me before I could and giving me one of his famous dazzling smiles.

"And now, Mr. Stark has prepared a statement. He will not be taking any questions. Thank you." We heard Rhodey say as the two of us walked out, Tony going to the podium and me going to stand with Pepper and Morgan.

"Um. Been a while since I was in front of you. I figure I'll stick to the cards this time." He held up the blue stack. "There's been speculation that I was involved in the events that occurred on the freeway and the rooftop-"

"I'm sorry, Mr. Stark," A reporter interrupted Tony. "But do you honestly expect us to believe that that was a bodyguard in a suit, that conveniently appeared, despite the fact that you-"

"I know that it's confusing." Tony cut her off. "It is one thing to question the official story, and another thing entirely to make wild accusations, or insinuate that I'm a superhero." Tony looked at me as he said that last part, making me roll my eyes.

"I never said you were a superhero."


"Mmm-mmm" The reporter shook her head.

"Well, good, because that would be... outlandish and fantastic," Tony mumbled the last part, letting out a sigh as he looked back at the cards in his hands. "I-I'm just not the-the hero type. Clearly. With this laundry list of character defects, all the mistakes I've made, largely public." I could have sworn he looked at Pepper when he said mistakes.

Rhodey moved closer to Tony then, whispering something in his ear before going back to his original spot.

"The truth is." Tony stared at the cards for a moment, before looking over at me who was whispering a small 'Don't'.

"...I am Iron Man."

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