Captiolo (51) Cinquantauno ~ Epilogue

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"Hey, Peg, just a reminder we have that meeting with the judge at three later today," Tony said as he walked into the kitchen where I was mid-bite in my sandwich.

"I thought it was at five?" I asked.

"Nope. Got moved to three. Meant to tell you earlier but forgot." He shrugged, moving to the coffee machine.

"Why did the judge tell you but not me?" I furrowed my brows in confusion.

"I'm taking offense to that." Tony pointed at me, making me roll my eyes.

"I'm just saying. Plus, your not really one to check your email."

"Hey, I've gotten much better!"

"Only because Mr. Stark has asked that I alert him when certain emails come in." Friday chimed in, making me chuckle.

"I really need to look into all the snitching she does. I swear she's going to get me in trouble one day." Tony grumbled.

"Tones, you're capable of getting into trouble all on your own."

"That's just rude, Peg."


"Hey, you ready to go?" Tony asked as he entered the bathroom where I had been applying my makeup.

"Yep... How's this look? Good enough for a judge? I wasn't entirely sure, last time I was in front of one since 2005." I stood, adjusting my blouse.

"Hun, you look perfect, as always." Tony came up to me, moving to kiss my lips before I moved at the last second, making it so he kissed my cheek instead.

"Uh, uh. I just applied this lipstick there is no way you're going to kiss it all off."

"Oh, come on, you can just reapply it!" He whined.

"You did not just say that." I stared at him as I cleaned up the vanity, putting all my left-out makeup away.

"I'm just saying, I personally think I would look fantastic in that dark red you've got on." He winked at me, making me roll my eyes.

"Come on, Stark. We've gotta go."

"Hey hey hey, not so fast. Where is it?" He pulled my arm, halting me from leaving the bathroom.

"Where is what?" I raised a brow.

"The ring? Where is it and why is it not on your pretty finger?"

"Because no one's ever proposed to me," I smirked, getting out of his grip and walking out of the room.


"This is not the way to the courthouse," I grumbled as Tony drove us threw New York.

"Yep." He said, popping the "p".

"Let me guess. The time's still scheduled for five?"

"Yep." He repeated.

"And you're not going to tell me where we're going?"




"Tony, why are we back at an Airforce base?" I asked as Tony helped me out of the car, having practically sprinted to get to my door before I could open it myself.

"Cause I've got a few surprises for you." He smiled, taking my hand and leading me inside the base.

"Tony, why is Rhodey here?" I asked, seeing the man standing a few feet away.

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