Captiolo (18) Diciotto ~ SHIELD Visit

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He's gone.

I told Jarvis to let me know when Tony woke up before I went to sleep, even if that meant waking me up, but it seems one of three things happened.

1) He did tell me, but I didn't wake up. This couldn't be it though because I will wake up to the smallest sound.

2) He was going to but Tony ordered him not to. This is honestly a very good possibility, but I kinda doubt Tony would have thought of it hungover.

3) Jarvis chose to ignore me completely when I asked him to wake me up. I kinda doubt this is it though because Jarvis is usually not one to ignore orders, even from me.

I called Pepper and Happy to see if they've seen or heard from Tony, but both said they hadn't heard anything from him since yesterday. I tried tracking his suit, as when I looked for him in his workshop I noticed one was missing, but Jarvis told me he turned the tracker off.

I was probably going to end up killing him when he got back.


"Where the hell have you been?" I yelled when I saw Tony walk upstairs from his workshop, heading to the front door.

"Um, getting coffee?" Tony seemed to wince before he answered, opening the door for some people in suits who passed me with a nod.

"Right. So who are these guys?" I looked at him, arms crossed as a man wearing all black with an eyepatch walked into the house.

"I'm Director Fury of the Strategic Homeland Intervention Enforcement and Logistics Division. Otherwise known as-"

"SHIELD. Yes, I'm familiar with your Agent Colson." I nodded.

"You might also know Miss Natalie Rushmore, or more accurately known as Agent Natasha Romanoff." I looked behind the man with the eyepatch and all black to see the familiar redhead.

"Hey," I said, unfazed.

"You... seem really calm for someone who just found out their co-worker is a secret agent." Tony narrowed his eyes, pointing between Natasha and me.

"Yeah, cause a normal woman who worked in Legal just so happened to check every single box on your Playboy Worker Requirements list and could knock your head of security down in a snap without breaking a sweat." I rolled my eyes, walking towards the kitchen.

"You guys want anything to drink? The kitchen was unaffected by the tornado."

"She means me, doesn't she? I'm the tornado?" I could hear Tony from the other room.

"No thank you, Miss. Lynn." I heard the director say right as Tony shouted for vodka.

I walked back into the room a little while later, seeing the director and Tony sitting in some of the patio chairs with a table that was heavy enough that it wasn't affected by last night's blast. I walked over to the two of them and placed two glasses and a blue bottle down.

"This isn't vodka." Tony pointed to the drink.

"No, it's better. It's that sparkling water you had in an unnecessarily fancy bottle."

"But-" I glared at the billionaire shutting him up real quick. "Do you need anything else, Mr. Stark?"

"Um, no. Thank you, Miss. Lynn." He cleared his throat, looking away from me.

"She's got you on a leash, doesn't she?" I heard the Director chuckle as I walked back to the kitchen.

I stayed in there for a little while, sitting at the island with my laptop and answering some emails. After a little while, Natasha walked in and joined me.

"So how long did you know I wasn't actually from legal?" I could practically hear her smirk as I finished an email.

"I had an idea when you sent Happy to the floor, then had it pretty much figured out when Tony looked you up and you had all of these things that a perverted genius such as himself would look for in a worker. Everything was just too... perfect, about you." I finally looked up at the spy.

"I'm impressed. We might have to steal you from Stark and get you to join SHIELD." She joked.

"With one leg? I don't think I'd be very good at spy work."

"You never know." She shrugged. "And I still need to teach you that move I did on the security guard."

"That would be great." I smiled.

The two of us talked for a little while longer before Natasha had to go back to her boss.

"You've got this right?" I walked into the room as Director Fury and Tony stood.

"Go what? I don't even know what I'm supposed to get."

"Natasha will remain a floater at Stark with her cover intact. And you remember Agent Coulson, right?" Fury pointed to the agent.


"Oh, and Tony," The director turned around. "I got my eye on you." He stared at Tony for a moment, before turning around and walking away.

"We've disabled all communications. No contact with the outside world. Good luck." Natasha said before turning around and leaving herself.

"Thanks," Tony mumbled, waving her away.

"Oh no, the good luck was for Avery. She's going to need it." Natasha turned back around for a moment, smirking.

"Goodbye, Natalie." I smiled as she left. "I'm going to miss her when she leaves."

"Please." Tony rolled his eyes, then looked at Agent Coulson. "First thing, I need a little bodywork. I'll put in a little time at the lab. If we could send one of your goon squad down to The Coffee Bean, Cross Creek, for a Starbucks run, or something like that, that'd be nice."

"I'm not here for that. I've been authorized by Director Fury to use any means necessary to keep you on-premises. If you attempt to leave,"


"Or play any games, I will tase you and watch Supernanny while you drool into the carpet. Okay?"

I started laughing as the image of that implanted itself into my brain. "Can I join you in that, Agent Coulson? Sounds great."

"Yeah, yeah I think I got it. And thank you, Miss. Lynn for being so worried about me after I was so carelessly threatened by this agent." Tony gaped at me.

"Hey, I've threatened you more times than I can count. As long as the threat is in good taste I'm good."

"You call that good taste?"

"I call that great taste." I nodded.

"Enjoy your evening's entertainment, you two." Coulson said before walking away.

"Thanks for the backup there, by the way. Loved the show of support for your boss and long-time friend."

"Oh please. If you actually needed my help on anything I would have given it." I walked up to him. When I got closer, I noticed the box on the ground with the words 'PROPERTY OF H. STARK' written right in the middle. "What's that?"

"Um I- I don't know. They just dropped it off and left." Tony shook his head.

"Well, let's find out then, shall we?" 

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