Captiolo (42) Quarantadue ~ The Kids

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"Miss Lynn, there is someone at the front entrance requesting your presence." Friday's voice came from where I was working in Tony's lab, the man himself working on another suit on the table beside me.

"Who is it?" I asked, Tony also stopping what he was doing to listen.

"Harley Keener, ma'am."

My eyes widened, Tony and I both giving each other questioning looks as to why the boy was here in New York.

"Lead him in, Friday. Take him to the living room, I'll meet him there."

"Of course, Miss Lynn."

"Should I go up there with you?" Tony asked, looking hesitant since Harley didn't seem to ask for him.

"Leave it to me, for now. You might make him more nervous than he probably already is." I said, moving my laptop off my lap and standing from my spot. "I'll call for you if needed."

"Alright, if you're sure." He nodded, watching me walk out of the room.

"Harley, honey?" I said, walking into the living room and gaining the distracted boy's attention.

"Miss Lynn! Hey, I'm sorry for dropping by unexpectedly. I just... Well, I didn't really have anywhere else to go." He told me, looking like he was deflating the longer he spoke.

"What's going on, kid? Talk to me." I sat on the couch, patting the spot beside me.

"Um, my mom kinda kicked me out." He started as he sat, making my eyes widen in shock. "She didn't mean it in a bad way! She finally got some help with her gambling problem, but her debt was so deep she had to sell the house. She's going to move in with a friend of hers, but she couldn't take me in too."

"Not that you aren't welcome here, but what about the neighbors taking care of your sister?"

"They can only take care of her. There's no room and not enough money to take care of the both of us."

"So, you came all the way to New York to, what? See if we would let you stay with us?" I asked, trying to figure out what was going on.

"Kinda, yeah." He hesitantly nodded. "Mom helped pay for the bus fair."

"Oh, honey." I sighed, pulling him into a hug. Harley practically fell into my arms, and I could tell he was trying to hold back tears.

"Harley, you can cry if you need to. You just went through something no child should go through. And before you worry any more of course you can stay here. Tony and I have our own section of the compound, and there are plenty of rooms. You can stay as long as you need."

"Really?" He looked up at me, eyes watering and on the verge of tears.

"Of course. Now, we are moving soon, but construction on the place isn't finished, so we can easily add another room for you."

"Thank you, Avery." His muffled voice said as he berried his head on my shoulder.

"Of course, honey." I pet his hair, trying to help calm him. "Tony's here. You want me to summon him so you can talk to him too?"

"Sure, I guess." He hid his sniffle behind a chuckle.

"Alright. Friday? Can you ask Tony to come up please?"

"Of course, Miss Lynn."

"What is that? Is it like Jarvis?" Harley asked, his red eyes disappearing as he asked about Tony's tech.

"Yeah. Jarvis... had a bit of an upgrade, I guess you could say, so Tony needed a new A.I. This is Friday."

"Hello, Harley. Welcome to the Avengers Compound. Miss Lynn, Mr. Stark should be up shortly."

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