Captiolo (28) Ventiotto ~ Their Return

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"No. Absolutely not."

"Oh, come on, Tony. He'll start out by being in a cell and the whole time his powers will be gone. Everything will be fine." Olivia argued over the phone.

I was currently in one of the conference rooms in the tower with Tony, who had been on a video call with his aunt for about twenty minutes now, going back and forth on bringing Loki here for "rehabilitation" or something.

"Oliv, do you not remember that time he tried to take over New York - and the rest of the world? He mind-controlled Barton and threw me out the window!"

"Yes, something I wished I could do to you several times in the past." Olivia snarked.

"Haha." Tony sarcastically said. "Come on. You can't actually think this is a good idea."

"I trust Thor. If he says that his brother can change, I will try my best to believe it. You should too."

"What do you think?" Tony turned to me. "You live here too. What do you think about the maniac living under our roof?"

"Oh, it's our roof now?" I smirked, thinking about all the times he's made a comment about Stark/Avengers tower being all his. "As long as his powers are gone and he behaves I'm fine with it."

Tony seemed to be thinking for a moment, as he just stared at me and then back at Olivia's video image for a while.

"He screws up one time, just once, and he's out of here. Back to Assgard."

"Asgard." I corrected.

"Whatever." Tony waved me off, making me roll my eyes.

"Yes, of course. And we'll all be there while he is too. Have some extra eyes on him. We even have an agent coming in to be his babysitter."

"Who is it? Romanoff? Barton?" Tony asked.

"No, you don't actually know her. Her name is Alexandra Kara, though she goes by Alex. She's been off in Europe the last couple of years for a mission, but before that she worked pretty closely with Natasha and Clint. She even has met Doctor Banner."

"How am I just now hearing about her? Why wasn't she considered for the team?"

"Fury thought it would be best if she stayed in Europe to continue her mission. He wanted to make sure she didn't get recognized on the off chance something happened. I don't know why he was worried though when she could have been here in about two seconds and made herself look like someone else." Olivia shrugged.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked, sitting up in my chair a bit.

Olivia huffed, looking as if she was searching for the correct words to use.

"Agent Kara isn't really like us. She had a... difficult childhood. One in which she was experimented on all the time like a lab rat and brought out to play with whenever her captors deemed it necessary."

"Where was she before?"

"Hydra. Because of them, she lost all of her memories. When SHIELD found and saved her, Clint volunteered to take her in. He helped her adjust to a world where she wasn't being harmed every day. Later she decided that she wanted to help people, so he brought her back to SHIELD where she became one of our top agents."

"What did the experiments do to her? You're being vague about all of this." Tony complained.

"Alex has powers. Because of the memory loss, we don't know if they were all because of the experimentation, or if she somehow already had some of these abilities."

"What can she do?" I asked.

"A lot. She can read minds, teleport, shapeshift, and turn invisible. She also has the ability of intangibility."

"What does that mean?"

"Think of the Cheshire Cat. She can pretty much phase through physical matter. The same comparison could be made for some of those other powers." Tony explained.

"That's interesting."

"Yeah, well it could have been useful for the fight," Tony grumbled.

"But you all did amazing. You saved the day and came back in one piece in the end. That's all that matters anymore."

"So, does this mean you're on board?" Olivia got us back on track.

Tony looked back at me once more, a look in his eye that made me think that he was almost hoping I would change my mind. When all I did was nod, he sighed, turning back around to face his aunt.

"Yeah. I guess."

"Great. I'll let Fury and Thor know. I'll call Avery with more details on everything later." Olivia said before hanging up the phone.

"I can't believe you're making us house the guy who destroyed New York." Tony turned to face me.

"Me?! You make all the final decisions!" I gawked at the man.

"Oh, please. We both know you make all the decisions around here. I just go along with 'em." Tony waved off, walking over to me.

I rolled my eyes as I stood up, putting my arms around Tony's neck as he put his around my waist. "Whatever you say, Mr. Stark."

"Now we just gotta tell the others. How do you think they'll react to Reindeer Games coming back?"

"Probably similar to how Bruce is going to act." The both of us stared at each other for a moment, before shouting out.

"Not it!" "Not it!" Both of us parted, Tony with a frown and me with a victorious grin.

"Well, would you look at that? I won. You know what that means?" I smiled.

"I have to tell Banner." Tony groaned.

"Yep. Make sure to wear the suit. I don't need you almost splattering on the sidewalk again." I patted Tony's chest as I started walking by him.

"And where are you going?"

"To tell everyone else."

A/n ~ Always Been You will be on a VERY small hiatus while I start posting my fourth book, Always And Forever featuring my newest OC, Alexandra Kara, and Marvels Loki Odinson/Laufeyson/Friggason. Please check it out! Love you all and thank you so much for reading <3

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