Captiolo (23) Ventitre ~ Not Weird

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"Why are we going to Hammer Industries?" Happy asked as he sped through traffic.

"To stop a crazy Russian from using robots to kill Tony," I answered, putting my hair up. "Damn it, this was my favorite," I mumbled, tearing a slit in the side so the dress wasn't as constricting.

I started to pull the skirt of my dress up to my hips, revealing the gun holster with a spare knife, when I felt the car jerk to the sides and a car blare their horn.

"Watch the road." I scolded Happy.

"I got it. I got it."

I took the holster off my leg and checked the number of bullets in the gun cartridge. When I was done I put it back in the holster, taking out the knife and making sure it wasn't dull.

"Since when have you had a knife in there?"

"Since always. I've just never had to take it out till now." I shrugged, reattaching the holster to the other leg with the slit.

It didn't take much longer for us to get to Hammer Industries, where Happy led the car to a screeching halt, both of us rushing out of the car.

"Stay in the car," I ordered, running up the steps.

"I'm not staying in the car."

"I said, stay in the car."

"Look, I'm not letting you go in there alone." Happy watched my back as I checked to see if the door was locked. When seeing that it was, I took a few steps back.

"You might want to back up just a tad," I mumbled, before kicking my bionic leg into the glass door, making it shatter.

"What the hell!?" Happy yelled, backing up from the glass on the ground as I climbed threw the large hole in the door.


"How did your leg do that? I thought it wasn't that strong?"

"Tony Stark built this and you thought it was made out of some cheap flimsy material?" I raised my brow at him as I watched him try to go through the hole. He was about to say something as a guard came up to us.

"Hey, hey, hey. You can't come in here." Happy immediately started punching the guy as I walked past the two. I opened the doors in front of me and another security guard came up to me, attempting to grab me. I quickly dodged and used my prosthetic leg to slam my foot into his, harshly elbowing him in the face when he bent over, knocking him out.

Another guard came out of one of the rooms as I kept walking, and I used the cleaning cart beside me to run him over, knocking him to the ground. He was starting to get back up when I walked past him, so I gave him a hard kick to the face, knocking him out like the other guard.

A different guard came running at me, but I was faster than him and just kicked him in the crotch with my prosthetic, knocking him to the ground. One last guard came at me, and I used Natasha's move, maneuvering myself on his shoulders with my legs around his neck, and taking him down to the ground.

I had to go through a few more guards before I was able to get to the control room, finding it empty beside the two dead bodies hanging from the ceiling. I ran over to the computer and started praying that watching Tony work for ten odd years would help me in this moment.

"What are you doing?" I heard Happy behind me. "And how the hell did you knock all those guys out?"

"Trying to reboot Rhodey's suit. And Natalie has been teaching me a thing or two these last few days." I mumbled, shrugging a bit. It took another moment before I was able to successfully reboot the suit, letting out a relieved sigh. "Oh, thank god."

"What, you did it?" Happy asked.

"Yep." I stared at the screen when I heard a loud thud. Turning around, I saw Happy laying unconscious as something wrapped itself around my throat, slightly squeezing just enough to make it difficult to breathe.

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