Captiolo (30) Trenta ~ Chinese Theater

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A giant Bunny.

There was a giant bunny in front of the house.

I pulled up to the mansion, ready to go in and grab Morgan so we could go shopping when I spotted the giant eyesore right beside the front entrance.

"Morgan! I'm sorry I'm late. I was... what the... what is that?!" I yelled with a laugh, seeing Morgan hanging out on the couch with one of Tony's suits.

"You're wearing this in the house now? What is that, like, Mark 15? Morgan, go get your coat and shoes on." I told the young girl, who wordlessly left to her room, giggling the whole way up.

"Uh, yeah. Something like that. You know, everybody needs a hobby."

"Oh, and you have to wear your hobby in the living room?" I sat down on the chair beside me as I waited for Morgan, Tony walking up to me.

"Just, breaking it in. You know, it's always a little pinchy in the gooey bag at first, so..." He said, making me snort a laugh. "Well, hey, did you see you and Morgan's Christmas present?"

"Yes, I did. I...I don't know how I could've missed that Christmas present. Is it gonna fit through the door?" I looked down beside me to see a small stack of children's drawings, all of Tony with little writings beside them.

"Well, actually, it's a good question. I got a team of guys coming tomorrow. They're gonna blow out that wall."

"Okay." I rolled my eyes, setting the drawings down.

"So, uh... Tense? Good day? Huh?" The suit came up behind me, rubbing my shoulders. "Ooh, shoulders, a little knotty. Naughty girl. I don't want to harp on this, but did you like the custom rabbit?"

"Did I like it?"

"Nailed it, right? Morgan seems to love it. She actually screamed when she saw it."

"Wow. Well, I appreciate the thought very much." I smiled, turning around in my chair and standing to face Tony's suit. "So why don't you lift up that face mask and give me a kiss?"

Tony made some noises with his voice, sounding like he was beeping as he lightly knocked on the helmet. "Yep. Damn it, no can do. You wanna just kiss it on the... the facial slit?" He tapped where the mouth was.

"Uh-huh. Well, why don't I run down to the garage and see if I can't find a crowbar to jimmy that thing open?" I smirked, making my way toward the staircase to the garage.

"Crowbar, yeah. Oh! Except there's been a radiation leak." Tony stammered.

"I'll take my chances."

"That's risky."

"At least, let me get you, like, a hazmat suit you can..." I heard Tony's strained voice as I made my way down the stairs. "A Geiger counter or something like that." I watched Tony do a few more pullups on a bar, a holographic screen in front of him, and a tech piece around his head that seemed to be controlling the suit that was coming down the stairs being me.

"This is a new level of lame." I frowned, pushing away the platter Dumm-E put in front of me.


"Did you even watch Morgan? Or was she with your suit the whole time?"

"Um, would it be bad if I said both? I mean he was just-"

"You mean you?"

"Well, yeah, I just mean we were just hosting her..."

I let out a small laugh of disbelief.

"...while I finished up a little work."


"But I did feed her. I didn't know if you were going to while you guys were out, since you were out having drinks with Aldrich Killian and Pepper." My mouth dropped open in shock as Tony's suit looked at me.

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