Captiolo (34) Trentaquattro ~ The Mandarin

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"Why were you at the house tonight?" I asked Maya as I drove us to Peppers. "What was so important that you had to speak to Tony?"

Maya hesitated before responding. "I think that my boss is working for the Mandarin." My head shot over to look at her, not expecting that answer. "So, if you still want to talk about it I suggest that we go someplace safe. Presumably not your boyfriend's ex's house."

"Your boss works for the Mandarin... you think? But Tony says you're a botanist. So..."

"That figures. What I actually am is a biological DNA coder running a team of 40 out of a privately funded think tank. But sure, you can call me a botanist."

"This boss of yours, does he have a name?"

"Yeah, Aldrich Killian."

"...Well shit."


"Pepper I know you just got back home but I need you and Morgan to go on another vacation," I whispered over the phone. Maya had left the hotel room we got to take her own phone call, so I took the opportunity to call Pepper.

"What?! Go on vacation, Avery Tony just died! Morgan has been in her room and I haven't been able to get her out of it since we saw the news!"

"Okay, well, first of all, Tony's alive. Shouldn't be that big of a shocker for you since this is the third time he's survived death. But you and Morgan could be in danger, and I need you to go somewhere safe."

"Avery, what's going on? Why do we need to leave?"

"Your boyfriend may be trying to kill Tony."

"...excuse me?!"

"Yeah, that Killian guy you're crushing on might be working for the Mandarin, so I need you to grab Morgan and get out of California. Oh! But don't go to Tennessee!"

"Why can't we go to Tennessee?"

"Don't worry about it. Just, go and put Morgan on the phone. I'll talk to her, get her out of her funk."


I waited a minute, listening to the muffled movement and voices before one rang through the line.

"Avee?" I heard Morgan sniffle.

"Hey, Monkey! How are you?" I gently asked.

"Is he really gone? Is he actually dead?" My heart broke as I listened to Morgan's shaky voice.

"No, honey he's not. You know your dad, he can survive anything."

"So he's, he's okay?"

"He is, but he can't come home yet. Your dad has some business to take care of before he can come see you."

"Is it with the Mandarin guy?"

"Yeah, Monkey it is." I sighed, not bothering to lie. "You and your mom are going on a little trip while you wait for your dad to come home, okay? I need you to be good and listen to your mom for me."

"Okay." I could practically see her nodding her head. "I'll see you soon too, right?"

"Of course! I'll see you as soon as I can."

"Okay, mom's telling me to hurry. Buy Avery! Love you!" Morgan hung up the phone before I could say anything back, but what she said in the end made me freeze for a moment.

She's never actually said she loves me before.

"Hey, you okay?" Maya's voice broke me out of my daze. I looked up from the phone I was staring at, watching her walk through the bedroom door and slowly walked over to me.

Always Been You | Tony StarkOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora