Captiolo (22) Ventidue ~ Vanko

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"You might want to stand back for this part. I don't know where this thing will land and I don't need you getting hurt in the crossfire." Tony glanced at me as he finished putting everything in its respective spot.

"Um, yeah. Yeah okay. Shout if you need help though, okay?"

"Right, yeah sure. Got it. Let's do this Jarvis!"

"Initializing prismatic accelerator," Jarvis said as Tony took his shirt off, revealing a black tanktop, his arc reactor glowing threw the thin material.

Were his arms always that big?

"Approaching maximum power," Jarvis said through the accelerator's loud noise. Tony had to rush over to grab the wheel that would bring the -pretty much- laser to be pointed in the correct position.

"You got it?" I yelled as Tony seemed to start struggling.

"Yep." He grunted, grabbing a large wrench to use to help turn the wheel. Using it as leverage, he started turning the wheel, making the laser cut threw the wall, come cabinets, and anything else in its way.

"Shit," I mumbled, looking at the mess I would probably have to get someone to come clean.

"Whoops!" I flinched when one of the cabinets got cut in half, the top falling to the floor, and again at the loud noise that came when the laser hit the metal just outside of the target.

I watched as the small triangle got brighter, almost becoming blinding before Tony hit a button and turned the accelerator off, making the brightness dim some, but not completely.

"That was easy." I heard Tony mumble as he went under the coil, walking over to the hopefully new "battery" for his arc reactor.

"Did it work?" I asked as I walked over, Tony using tweezers to take the triangle out of where it was being held.

"Congratulations, sir. You have created a new element."

"Oh my god," I whispered, going under the coil and coming up behind Tony.

"Yeah. Let's get this baby in a reactor." Tony rolled the stool he was on to the table the new reactor was on. He took a deep breath, before slowly placing it in.

"Sir, the reactor has accepted the modified core," Jarvis said after a moment. "I will begin running diagnostics.

"God I hope this works out," Tony said as I put my hand on his shoulder.

"Same. I don't know what would happen if it doesn't."

"Hmm. You know what." Tony snapped his fingers, turning the stool to face me. "If this works, we should celebrate."

"And how would you do that? Another rowdy party that results in part of the house being destroyed again? With you being so drunk out of your mind you can't remember what happened in the morning?"

"No. No, if this works, you have to go out to dinner with me. Well make it a whole thing, just you and me, what do you say?"

"What, like a date?" I asked, a bit surprised.

"We don't have to call it that if you don't want to." He shook his head, trying to reassure me.

"Um, I..."

"Come on. Dying man's last wish?"

"Wouldn't it be a normal living man's wish if it works?" I smirked.

"I don't know. Don't worry about it. What do you say to dinner? I'll get Jarvis to make us some reservations somewhere."

I looked down and sighed, thinking about it.

"Alright," I whispered.

"I'm sorry, what was that?" A smile started to creep up Tony's face as he stood up.

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