Captiolo (48) Quarantaotto ~ Lynn Accords

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Clint and Scott Lang were finally released from the raft about a month after the UN exempted the Accords. I let the two spend some much-needed and deserved time with their families before calling them back to New York for the day, getting everyone ready to sign the new Accords.

The Lynn Accords.

God that was still so weird to say.

"Hey, Avery, everyone's here. We're ready whenever you are." Tony told me, walking into the living room where Harley was helping distract me from everything.

"Alright, I'm coming." I nodded, quickly kissing Harley on the forehead before walking out with Tony.

"When do you think we should ask him?" Tony whispered as we walked towards the meeting room, the sounds of overlapping voices getting louder the closer we got.

"Tonight, maybe? As long as everything goes well, at least."

"Alright. Tonight it is then." He nodded, a smile spreading across his face.

We were going to ask Harley if we could adopt him tonight.


About three weeks ago ~

"Hey, Tony, can I talk to you for a minute?" I asked, walking into the basement lab he has at our new house.

"Yeah, sure. What's up?" He asked, not turning to look at me.

"Um, I got a call from Emily Keener, Harley's mom, not too long ago..." I started, flinching when several tools went flying to the ground. "And uh, well she wanted to know if we could keep Harley. Like, permanently."

I watched carefully as Tony slowly turned in his chair to look at me, his expression unreadable.

"And by permanently you mean..."

"Adopt him. She asked if we could adopt him." I clarified, my nerves worsening upon his silence. "Tony..?"

"She... she wants us to adopt him?" He repeated.

"Yeah. She said that she wanted a better life for her kids, and the family taking care of Lily have already agreed to adopt her. And she refused any help with her dept before I could even ask. She seemed really certain about this."

"How do you feel about it?" Tony asked, freaking me out a bit as it seemed like he was trying to stare threw my soul.

"I love that kid, Tones. If he's okay with it... I would like to keep him, as selfish as that sounds."

"Well then, it's a good thing we already made him a bedroom." He huffed, his hand moving to rub his face.


"I mean he'll need a place to sleep so it's a good thing we already took care of that-"

"You mean we can?" I smiled, rushing over and throwing my arms around his neck.

"Yeah, as long as he's okay with it. I don't really like the thought of him leaving either."

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I cheered, Tony laughing as I peppered his face with kisses.

"God, if this was your reaction maybe we should try our hand with Peter next. See how you react then."

I playfully punched Tony as I continued to hold onto him, the man adjusting me so he could get back to work with me now in his lap.

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