Captiolo (45) Quarantacinque ~ Rhodey

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"Hey! How's everything with the Captain and Olivia going?" I answered the phone. Tony had called me right after the kids and I had dinner. They were currently watching Madagascar in the living room while I took care of the dishes in the kitchen.

"Not the best. Hey, you know that spider-kid that you had the kids send to me? You think you could do me a favor and look into him for me?"

"Um, yeah, sure." I nodded. "Am I allowed to ask why though?"

"Just think he could be useful. Especially since we don't have a lot of people on our side."

"I'll send you what I find as soon as I can."

"Thanks, hun. Love ya."

"Love you too." I smiled, hanging up the phone.

"Was that dad?" Morgan asked, looking back at me.

"Yeah. He just wanted me to look into something for him." I nodded, finishing loading the dishwasher before walking over to the two kids.

"What was it?" Harley asked.

"Wanted to know more about that vigilante you too found on YouTube. Asked me to look into him."

"Is he going to work with dad?"

"I don't know, monkey. We'll have to see."


Tony called me again about twelve hours later, sounding panicked and out of breath.

"Avery? Ave's I need a little help right now."

"Tony? What's wrong, what's happened?" I asked, rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

"Rhodey's hurt. Liv says it's something with his spine, and she's doing everything she can but she's not sure how bad the damage is from so far away."

"Alright, honey, I know it's hard but you have to calm down for me. Rhodey is in amazing hands, you know this. Liv won't let anything happen to him."

"Yeah, yeah I know, it's just... I don't wanna leave him alone right now..."

"So you want me to come over to help watch over him," I replied knowingly.

"Please? I know it's a lot to ask since you've got the kids, but I'm desperate. Oh, Happy's here at the compound with Parker! I could get him to help watch over the three of them while they're still here!"

"God, Tony this is such short notice," I grumbled, though still got out of bed to go and wake the two sleeping children.

"Hey, you've always said you love how spontaneous I can be."

"When did I say that? When you decided entering the Grand Pre and almost getting yourself killed was a great idea, when you told a terrorist our address resulting in our house getting blown up, or when you built a murder robot?"

"...I feel like this is a trick question. Can I say when I asked you to go out with me?"

"No, you can not. But I will give you a semi-pass for it since you drunkenly confessing your love for me was a shock." I smirked.

"Oh yeah. Great times." He sassed, and I could practically hear the eye roll, but I was just happy I was getting his mind off of his injured friend.

"Hey, Morgan. Wake up, monkey, we have to go." I pulled the phone away from my ear, gently nudging the young girl.

"Hmm, but it's too early." She wined, moving to be on her stomach as she put her pillow over her head.

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