Captiolo (33) Trentatre ~ Distruction

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"Are we still at ding-dong?" Tony looked up, presumably talking to Jarvis after we heard the doorbell ring. We were currently up in our room as I packed for Peppers, Tony failing to help in any possible way.

"We're supposed to be on total... security lockdown." He yelled out as he hit his hand on the bed a few times, emphasizing his point. "Come on, I threatened a terrorist. Who is that?"

"There's only so much I can do, sir when you give the world's press your home address."

"Finish doing this while I see what's up." Tony stood, kissing my forehead and making his way downstairs.

"I wasn't planning on doing anything else," I mumbled, putting the last of my things into my bags. When I was done, I brought them over to the balcony, but they were getting a bit much for me to carry since my back was still injured, so I decided to just throw them over the railing of the stairs.

"With her." I heard Tony say.

"Tony? Is somebody there?" I yelled down.

"Yeah, it's Maya Hansen." He yelled back at me as I came down the stairs. "Old botanist pal that I used to know, barely."

I glared at the giant stuffed bunny in front of me, pushing it out of the way so I could come down the rest of the stairs.

"Sorry, with Happy still in the hospital, I didn't know we were expecting guests anytime soon." I gave Tony a sarcastic smile, a bit peeved that he didn't tell me about this visitor coming.

"We weren't."

"And old girlfriends." I finished.

"No, not really," Maya shook her head. "It was just one night."


"That's how you did it, isn't it?"

"It was a great night."

"Yep. Well, you know. You saved yourself a world of pain." I told Maya.

"What?" Tony looked at me, his face screaming with confusion and a bit of anger.

"I'm sure."

"Trust me. We're going out of town." I looked over to Tony.

"Okay, we've been over this. Nope."


"The man says no, you need to stay here and rest-"

"Immediately and indefinitely."

"-not going right back to work. Honey..."

"Great idea. Let's go." Maya said, going towards my luggage. 

"I'm sorry, that's a terrible idea. Please don't touch her bags."

"This is how normal people behave."

"I can't protect you out there!"

"It's just Pepper's place!"

"Is... is that normal?" Maya interrupted us, pointing to the giant bunny blocking the staircase.

"Sadly, that is very normal."

"Yes, this is normal! It's a big bunny. Relax about it!"

"Okay, you need to calm down."

"I got this for you and Morgan."

"I'm aware of that."

"You still haven't even told me you liked it!"

"I don't really like it!"

"I asked you three... you don't like it." Tony threw his hands in the air.

"We are leaving the house no matter what."


"That's not even up for discussion."

"Can we, um..."

"I said no. What?" Tony and I looked at Maya as she tried to get our attention.

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