Planning the wedding, Taylor has a relapse

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Taylor and Shadow spent the next couple days planning their wedding, they were wedding to invite their family and friends along with her parents. Alice was also more then thrilled to be design the decor and stuff with Shadow for the wedding, she was really excited to be able to have someone to share her design ideas with.

Taylor was talking to his brothers and his mom along with Rose about when the wedding was going to be, he was born excited and nervous to be marrying Shadow but he was really happy to be able to eventually call her his wife.

Taylor just sat there talking for a little while, but he eventually started to feel a relapse coming on as he started to feel dizzy. "Taylor you alright?" Esme asked her son as she noticed his discomfort, Edward looked concerned as did Emmett, Jasper and Rosalie. "He's relapsing." Edward told esme as he read his mind.

Alice stopped designing and dropped what she had been holding on the table which was a pen, she had a vision and zoned out as she saw what was about to happen with Taylor. "Alice? What is it?" Shadow asked her gently hoping everything was okay.

"It's Taylor, He's relapsing." Right as Alice said a coughing sound from Taylor was heard, along with esme yelling for Carlisle. Shadow quickly got up and went to the living room with Alice, she stood there watching with a worried yet concerned expression on her face.

Taylor started to cough and feel lightheaded, he soon looked like he couldn't breathe as his chest started to feel tight. He groaned lightly, before rubbing his chest as his father came to the living room and zipped over to him.

"He's definitely relapsing, Edward you and Emmett help him get upstairs. He needs to go rest, I'll have to go grab him a couple of blood bags." Carlisle said, before quickly zipping to get a couple of blood bags for Taylor while Emmett and Edward took him upstairs.

Taylor was nearly gasping as his brothers helped him upstairs to his room, he hadn't had a relapse like this  in a little while where he needed to be back in his room needing treatment.

"What's happening to him?" Shadow asked esme with worry for her mate, she needed to know that he was gonna be alright.

"Every once in awhile he has a relapse, where he can't feed regularly and it makes him become very weak. But this is the first time it's happened in awhile, Carlisle came up with something that allows us to seek normal around humans. We just don't take it all the time, but Carlisle normally gives it to Taylor anytime he's asked for it.

He misses being able to feel normal and human, he started taking the remedy more when he met you but he stopped after he found out that you could suppress him.
Accept he decided to start taking it again, so you wouldn't use your ability on him constantly and now he's relapsing." Esme told her gently, she was worried for her son too but Carlisle was trying to find away to help Taylor with this he just hadn't found a solution yet.

Shadow nodded her head lightly, before looking up at the stairs hoping Taylor was gonna be alright. She whined quietly, she wanted to go up there but she wanted to wait until Taylor was taken care of so she wouldn't be in the way.

Taylor groaned softly as his brothers laid him down on his bed gently, Edward and Emmett both looked at each other before looking at the door way when they heard Carlisle coming up the stairs.

Taylor laid there not really moving or doing anything as Carlisle tried to help him, he coughed and gasped a little as if he was struggling to breathe. "Easy son." Carlisle said, as he gave him his oxygen mask that he hadn't needed in a long time. Carlisle was trying to figure out away to stop this from happening each time he was suppressed, but he hadn't found a solution yet on how to fix it.

Carlisle got him hooked up to the blood so he could feed from it, he watched over Taylor and noticed that he started to look a lot better. "Til I can get this remedy fixed, I think it would be best if Shadow used her ability on you when you want to be human for a little while. I know you don't like it, but until I can get this fixed to keep this from happening I don't want you to take it okay?" Carlisle told him gently. "I'll go get Shadow." He went to get Shadow, he zipped over to his wife and to Shadow. "You can go see him now, I will check on him again in a few." Carlisle said.

Shadow nodded her head, before going up the stairs to check on Taylor while Carlisle talked to esme and the rest of the family.

As soon as she made it up the stairs, she stopped when she saw how he looked and it made her frown a little.

Shadow walked into the room, before seeing Taylor watching her as she walked over to him. "You look like heck." Shadow said quietly but yet softly.

Taylor looked over at the doorway when he heard her coming up the stairs, he watched her walk into his room and over to him

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Taylor looked over at the doorway when he heard her coming up the stairs, he watched her walk into his room and over to him. "Sorry." He told her softly as he reached for her hand.

Shadow took his hand in hers and shook her head. "You don't have to be sorry, your mom told me why. But you did have me worried, why didn't you tell me?" She asked him softly.

"I didn't want to ask you about suppressing me all the time, I know that it weakens you if you use it for to long. I didn't know how to talk to you about it, I'm sorry for worrying you but I promise you I won't use it again. At least til my father can fix it, I will ask you from now on to suppress me as long as it doesn't put to much strain on you." Taylor told her gently, as he squeezed her hand lightly.

Shadow smiled a little as she squeezed his hand back, before sitting down by his legs and gently moving some of his hair back out of the way. "Okay, I just don't want anything to happen to you Taylor. I...I love you to much to see that happen." She said quietly.

Taylor heard her and neither of them had really said that they loved each other, he smiled softly at her. "I promise I will be more careful. I love you too Shadow." Taylor meant what he had said and from then on he was a lot more careful with and how long he was suppressed for, he also made sure not to have Shadow do it all the time since it made her really tired and weak if she did it for to long but it also allowed them to cuddle together when they were were tired.

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