Chapter 21 - Hiding truths

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Derrick's POV

I paced my room, to anxious to fall asleep. I was worried for Jen, terrified for her. I wasn't sure if she could do it, fight Almos. He was so strong and I was positive it was too soon. It wouldn't be over until the prophecy was complete and I think everyone had to help beat Almos or at least Jen and I do it together.

I sighed in frustration as I glanced at my phone, hoping she would text me. I knew she wouldn't, she was probably already asleep, facing Almos. I shivered as I pictured his hooded figure. Who knew what was hidden beneath that cloak.

I sighed tiredly, running a hand through my hair. I might as well try and get some sleep as I jumped into bed, pulling the covers up. Please Jen, don't leave me to Almos, I couldn't live without you, I thought before I drifted off.

" Derrick, where are you", giggled a musical voice that I would recognise anywhere. I was standing in a meadow, a green grassy meadow, trees encircling the large meadow. The sun was shining with the scent that summer was coming. I spun and grinned as Jen stood barefoot before me. She wore denim shorts and a dark green shirt, her hair pulled into a side braid with a red bow at the end.

She looked beautiful, like this was really her, uncaring of people's opinions on what she looked like but she was beautiful in whatever she wore in my opinion. She just looked so calm, so relaxed.

" Hey you", she smiled coming closer.

" Hey", I smiled nervously rubbing the back of my neck. She inched closer and I worried our powers would start reacting negatively like they did if we weren't careful. Jen didn't understand why our powers reacted so strongly towards each other but I did. It was part of why Elemantals and Energy wielders were so rare and why usually they never stayed together.

Which was also a reason why there was a prophecy about us, our powers were dangerous but when they worked well together, anything was possible. We could stop wars, save millions of people if our powers worked together but we could also destroy everything. For as long as there has been Elemantals and Energy wielders together, there has always been a connection.

They couldn't stay away from each other like when a negative was with a positive, they were attracted to each other but being together was always a struggle. Elementals and energy wielders were always drawn to each other but their powers always reacted negatively to each other unless they were controlled.

As Jen stopped closer though, I felt nothing. I was attracted towards her but I felt no awkward or painful tug inside me from my powers, nothing. I stepped back anyway, out of intinct.

Jen frowned, cocking her head to side in confusion. " What's wrong Derrick", she asked sounding hurt.

" I- just - don't want you to get hurt", I whispered. I expected Jen to yell at me or walk away but she surprised me. She giggled?

" Derrick, don't tell me you've forgotten?", Jen asked.

" Forgotten what, Jen it's hard to keep our powers in check around each other but it's hard to explain", I whispered.

" You're an idiot", she smirked and then leant up towards me and kissed me. I froze but I could feel no jumping spark or heat from the contact that would come when my powers reacted against Jen. Oh what the heck, I thought throwing caution to the winds. I kissed back.

She smelt amazing, of summer and strawberries. I pulled her closer, resting my hands on her lower back as she wrapped her arms around my neck. I smiled into the kiss before she playfully bit my lip and I chuckled. How many times I had thought of kissing her, to hold her and never let her go.

I've dreamt of something like this to happen ever since I first met her but I couldn't in case we blew something up. We pulled away and rested our foreheads against each other.

" I can't believe that happened, so you beat Almos then", I asked.

" Almos, that dream walker", Jen asked quietly.

" Yeah", I said frowning.

" Don't you remember Derrick, we joined him, we rule everything now", Jen smiled sweetly.

" What, that can't be right!", I hissed stepping back.

" When I faced him in my dreams, I lost and you couldn't bare to leave me, so you joined too, shame that Sam and Lilly died", mused Jen.

" This isn't right, what the hell", I growled. Jen smiled at me but her eyes had changed. They were no longer her beautiful green and blue eyes but black as black when she couldn't control her darkness element. Her eyes were the same as when she lost control.

" Let it go Derrick, let the light go, join us on the dark side, everyone has a dark side", smiled Jen.

I stepped back, my heart hammering in my chest, my hands shaking. I just had amazing kiss and it turns out it isn't really Jen. " Never, this isn't you Jen, you have a bright light within you, that's what makes you special not just your powers", I whispered.

The smile faltered slightly on Jen's face and her eyes briefly flickered between her eyes and her dark side. She snarled and lit her hands on fire as she stalked towards me.

" Now child, we still need him", echoed a voice I could never forget. Almos appeared, hooded as always but he seemed tired.

" Oh I get it, this isn't real, Jen has weakened you, whatever she did", I smirked.

Almos sighed, stopping beside the false Jen and placing a hand on her shoulder. " Why must you ruin everything Derrick, it's fun playing with your emotions", grumbled Almos.

" Well I'm in no mood, did you hurt Jen", I asked.

He chuckled as false Jen extinguished her flames. " Wouldn't you like to know", he said and I could tell he was smirking under that accursed hood.

I growled and summoned my energy power, relief rushing through me as the familiar sensation of my power rushed through me. " If you hurt Jen, I won't rest until you meet justice Almos, why did you bother with the prophecy, why", I growled.

" Hm well, I was unsatisfied with just being a dream walker, I wanted what you and Jen were gifted with, a chance to be special, to change people's minds but everyone thought I wasn't part of it because there was no Elemental or Energy wielder at the time so I took my fate into my own hands", Almos growled igniting his own hands in fire.

"Alas I didn't gain every element and there is still that part of the unknown element so I waited, I figured that the other two pieces of the prophecy would appear soon and I was right, you and lovely Jennifer entered the picture", said Almos happily.

" Stay away Almos, from Jen and everyone else", I growled.

" Hm no, there is a darkness inside innocent Jen and I shall be the one to corrupt her and you will follow like a love struck puppy", laughed Almos.

" We'll never join you", I growled. Almos laughed extinguishing his flames and waving his hand through the fake Jen who disappeared with a smile at me.

" You are too easy to fool Derrick, I know you will follow Jen because of that connection you share and your love for her", laughed Almos. " Remember Derrick, emotions are weakness, there is only power", whispered Almos before he too disappeared.

I growled in frustration, throwing energy balls at the air, the energy smashing into a tree and destroying it. I turned away but stumbled as a sudden jolt of pain slammed into my chest.

Jen, I thought panicky. Damn that connection, I thought as darkness consumed me.

Wow I updated fast this time but I was on a role with this chapter. Tell me what you think of this chapter and Derrick's feeling for Jen. What about the kiss? Let me know in the comments.

P.S I've added this song that I think works well with the chapter. Play it when Derrick dreams of Jen.

Cheers Jordan :-)

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