Chapter 6 - A fighting chance, as if

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I couldn't stop thinking about Derrick for the rest of the day, actually the whole week, he plagued my thoughts. He was in my history class and my English class and science slash maths class. How I didn't notice him before I'll never know.

I did now though and it was hard not to notice when I caught him staring at me or when he caught me staring at him. He was very distracting and my work was suffering. If I wasn't careful, I'd probably be kicked out due to failing and insulted myself to pay attention. It was hard though, I could feel his stare on my back in class and I had to resist from turning around and look at him. Besides my new crush, Talentos High went by as normal. I aced weapons class and struggled through defense and survival class. I wasn't bad at survival class but defense class, well that was a whole different story.

My teacher was John Masters, one of the teachers I met when they discussed my classes and was the one wondering will I even get a power. "Come on Ashton, I know you're not concentrating I can read your mind and feel your emotions loud and clear", yelled Mr Masters and he gave me a smirk as he read my thoughts on Derrick. I blushed and focused on imagining a solid brick wall around my mind to deflect mental attacks and to block people from feeling my emotions.

John Masters could read minds, move stuff with his mind and feel others emotions. Having three mind powers created into one was really cool and unusual, not rare just unusual. " Sorry sir", I muttered as I concentrating.

" Sorry doesn't cut it Ashton, would an enemy mind reader hesitate becoming amused by your thoughts, no", he shouted. " You must block effectively so you know what's real and what is not", he shouted.

" Yes sir, sorry sir", I sighed and concentrated even harder.

" Better, much better Jennifer", smiled Mr Masters as I successfully blocked his mind from mine. The bell chimed and the other students immediately headed for their bags. "Wait a minute you lot, I have something to tell you", yelled Mr Masters as I was heading for my bag. I turned around wearily of what my teacher was going to say.

"You have all been doing very well this past week and the fighting with other people powers competition is coming up and I was thinking as a test, you could enter", smiled Mr Masters. Half the class groaned at these words and I wanted to punch something.

Why! I did not want to enter the stupid powers competition! For one I had no power and two Luke would destroy me. "Sir, I don't think that's a very good idea", I said and others nodded in agreement.

"Nonsense, you will be fine Jennifer and who knows maybe being under pressure will bring out your power", smiled Mr Masters. I frowned but didn't argue further and just grabbed my bag and left the hall quickly.

I was fuming over my situation, I did not want to enter, I would be killed or worse embarrassed. Ugh, what will Derrick think, he knows I don't have a power yet, I told him in my dream but he knows I will get one because of that stupid light display. He's more confident about me getting a power than I am.

"Hey Jennifer, wait up", yelled a voice from behind me.

" What", I grumbled turning around and cursed myself. Derrick stood in front of me, tall and hot and completely out of my league. I could feel my cheeks reddening as he gave me a charming smile.

" Sorry, if you're busy, I'll leave you alone", he said smirking.

Oh god, I thought. " Oh no, it's ok, you just surprised me, my teacher Mr Masters has set an impossible assessment for my class", I sighed. Nice one Jen, as if Derrick wants to hear you rant about school work, you are such a nerd, I thought.

" Let me guess, he's making you enter the powers competition", smiled Derrick.

" How did you know, you're not a mind reader as well, are you", I asked. He laughed a warm laugh that made me smile shyly at him.

" No, just an energy wielder, what you see, is what you get", smiled Derrick. I'll say, I thought my heart thundering in my chest, I swear he could hear it.

" So, you wanted to ask me something", I asked quietly. I smiled as he shuffled around nervously.

" What, oh yeah, well I was just wondering if you would like to team up, I know you're good with weapons and avoiding others powers and I can use my energy powers", smiled Derrick.

I was astounded, Derrick wanted me to be with him in the powers competition. Me! The famous daughter of Ashton who has no powers yet. "Um, are you serious, I don't have any powers yet Derrick and I think it would be better if you teamed up with someone who did", I said sadly.

" No it will be different, I want to go with you and besides all you need is a little push to get your powers started", smiled Derrick.

" Well ok then, but I don't know how much help I'll be", I said shrugging.

" What's this Jackson and Ashton, entering the powers competition together, well this is interesting", yelled Luke as he came closer.

" Get lost Luke", I hissed as he smirked at me.

He ignored me, his cold eyes set on Derrick. " I hope you're good at defending because Jennifer is hopeless, no powers and no future", he smirked crossing his arms as he stared at the two of us.

Derrick scowled down at Luke who was obviously taller. A strange humming vibe started to come off from him as he glared at Luke. I could feel my own anger rise as I could feel heat traveling up my body.

"Do not speak to Jennifer like that, she has more potential than you Luke", growled Derrick.

" Oh yeah, well then I'll see it at the competition, see you there and get ready to be humiliated Jennifer", smirked Luke as he walked away.

" Yeah well, I'll show you what I can do", I yelled after him, my face flushed with anger.

" Don't worry Jennifer, we can beat him, we'll make a great team", smiled Derrick putting a warm hand on my shoulder.

" Yeah thanks but I don't mind if you changed your mind", I said smiling.

" No, I've made up my mind, I'll see you there", smiled Derrick and he walked away leaving me standing stupidly on my own. Oh my god, what have I gotten myself into, I thought as I watched Derrick walk away.

Me, a fighting chance as if, I thought as I hurried away, heading for home. Please let me get a power, any power, I thought sadly as I left the school to break the news to my friends and family. Me, getting a power by tomorrow, as if, I thought darkly. Ugh, why me!


Hello everyone, I'm sorry about the late update, school's been hectic. Anyway what do you think of this chapter? 108 reads and 18 votes already, wow that was quick! Please comment, it encourages me to keep going. So please, read, vote, comment and fan, it will mean a lot to me.

Cheers Jordan

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