Chapter 32 - Exams and plans

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"Congrats Jen, looking forward to the finals, I bet you'll win", smiled a fellow student, a red headed girl that was a year above me.

"Oh thanks, have to get through assessments now", I said. The girl smiled at me and walked off, hurrying to meet her friends.

A few days had gone pass since the semi finals and I felt great for making it this far. After everything that has been going on, I was happy something great happened, gave me a boost of confidence. So many students would come up to congratulate me or say how amazing Derrick and I were. It was nice but now that the semi finals were over and the finals weren't for another 2 weeks, I had to focus.

I had assessment and sorting out a better plan to save Sam to deal with. With my family and Miss Light's help I'm sure we can do it but for now I had assignments and exams to study for. I had to do well or I'd be kicked out of Talentos High. I sighed tiredly, my stomach clenching, I felt anxious. I'm sure I could do it but that didn't stop me from being anxious.

"Jen, wait up", yelled Lilly rushing to reach me.

"Oh hey Lil", I said smiling.

"Oh I know that look you were thinking of our assessment, right?", asked Lilly. "Well anyone who can get into the grand final of the power competition in their first year can definitely pass all her assessments", laughed Lilly.

"Especially when we are going to study together and help each other, okay?", smiled Lilly.

"You're the best Lilly, library?", I asked giving Lilly a hug.

Lilly nodded and we headed to the library. Talia and Derrick were already there at a table and they waved us over.

"So the assessment that will decide if we stay or if we get kicked out huh", laughed Derrick nervously.

"Please don't remind me, let's just focus, okay?", I said.

"Of course and then we start coming up with a new plan to save Sam", said Derrick.

We all nodded and began to focus on our school work. It became our new routine, neither my parents nor Miss Light have brought up Sam again so I just focused on school.

A week rolled by and we had handed in all assignments, it was now just exams. We had a mixture of practical exams and theory exams, depending on our class. Our practical exams focused on our powers, our level of control and how we could handle certain situations. Our theory exams focused on Talented history as well as weaknesses and strengths of certain powers and of course plain old Maths, Science and English exams.

"So a week of exams, why does it have to be all theory first and then practical", groaned Derrick. I smirked and poked Derrick on his nose.

"Probably because its quicker then assessing our practical skills with our powers and that", I said.

"True but we are all going to be so drained that we'll barely be able to focus on the practical", sighed Derrick.

"We'll all be fine, Jen has your parents or Miss Light told you anything about saving Sam?", Lilly asked. Lilly was getting more anxious and stress as the days went by, whether from school or Sam I didn't know.

"No, nothing, I'm assuming they are waiting until after all our exams and assessment so we can focus on school because after all our school work is over we have the Powers competition grand final and then holidays", I said.

"Oh okay, I hope they will give Sam an exemption from our assessment", sighed Lilly tiredly and I frowned.

"Lilly I'm just as worried about Sam as you but after what my parents told me, I think everything will be alright, have faith", I said to her.

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