Chapter 10 - In trouble

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It's not fair, Luke started it, he's the reason why I lost control, I thought as I stood in front of the head power committee. Our kind had our own system and our own leaders that we blended in with the untalented. There were nine leaders, each with a very strong power. Miss Light was one of the leaders as well as the principal of Talentos High.

She stared at me sadly like she knew something bad was going to happen. I sighed quietly as they all stared silently at me. Derrick shouldn't have gotten involved, he shouldn't have touched me when I was using my powers. I shivered as I remembered the strange burst of energy that altered my water and fire powers when I was fighting Luke. No wonder Elemantals and energy wielders don't mix well if that happens, I thought quietly.

It hurt though, reminding me I had to be careful around Derrick, keep my powers in check. I guess it is necessary, I thought as I remember that energy pouring into me. It stung when it entered me but felt exhilarating too.

I sighed, I was still recovering from the power in the infirmary with Derrick when Sam came in to tell me that Miss Light was ready to see me and that we were meeting the leaders of our world. It was quite a shock and my body still ached from the potion that I quickly drank to get stronger again. Derrick stood next to me, arms hanging limply at his side. I glanced at him, at his expressionless face.

He caught my stare and gave me a small smile which I returned. No matter how much trouble we were in, we were in this together. One of the leaders coughed bringing our attention back to the leaders.

" Well so this is our new Elemantal, already causing trouble with her powers", smirked one of the men. He was tall and muscled and had a tattoo of a black flame on his left arm. He had ash black hair and dark brown eyes almost black. I could tell he was a fire wielder and a strong one at that. " I told you they're dangerous and any Elemantal should be made to live with us", he growled.

" You just want to teach the girl your fire tricks Trent", sighed a pretty middle aged woman with lovely blue eyes and sandy blonde hair. She was tanned and looked like a swimmer. Definitely a water wielder, I thought.

" I think it's the energy wielders we need to look out for", frowned another lady. She had piercing green eyes and dark brown hair. She wore a green shirt and white pants an odd combination. Nature wielder and maybe mind powers, I thought slowly.

She frowned at Derrick and he shifted on his feet awkwardly. I couldn't take it, how they were judging us on one mistake and it wasn't Derrick's fault, he was just trying to protect me. " No stop, it's not Derrick fault with what happen, I just lost control, I'm sorry, I haven't had these powers for long", I whispered.

They all stared at me with a calculating look on their faces. " She was provoked though and I was asked to look after her and my emotions affected my powers, I was worried for Jennifer", grumbled Derrick. They all turned to stare at him with the same look and I saw the water wielder glance at our closeness and frown.

" We believe you but your powers are exceptionally strong, both of you", whispered Miss Light smiling sadly at us.

"Yes for an energy wielder Derrick, your power is shockingly powerful, nearly surpassing my own energy powers", smiled a young man with golden brown eyes and light brown hair. He was shorter than the fire wielder but a lot stronger by the looks of it.

"Um thanks, I guess ", grumbled Derrick. The young man smiled and turned to look at me.

" And you child, how long have you had your Elemantal powers?", he asked.

" Um a couple of days, I didn't mean to hurt anyone, it's just my anger got the better of me this time", I sighed.

"No it's ok Jennifer, we know of what Luke did but it's amazing of how strong your powers are now and over all, you are not that bad at controlling your powers, the past Elemantal accidentally blew up a small town when they were trying to control their powers", smiled the young man.

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