Chapter 27 - Another nightmare

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Jen's POV

I was so worried about Sam, about what Almos could be doing to him, that I couldn't concentrate on any of my classes.

" Jennifer, what are you doing, concentrate", yelled Nathan Pitch. My cloud of darkness flickered and disappeared and I sighed in frustration.

The other teachers were watching from the side lines while Mr Pitch and I stood in the centre. " What was that Jennifer, you are usually much better than that, it's like your progress has reversed", grumbled Mr. Pitch.

" I'm sorry, I have a lot on my mind at the moment, can I practice with a different element instead", I asked.

" No, I want you to do this technique, creating darkness and projecting over people so they can't see, it's a very good defensive technique if you need to get away quickly", said Mr. Pitch. He was staring at me intently as he said this and I wondered if he knew what  my friends and I were up to.

I knew he knew about Sam being kidnapped, all the staff knew and I'm pretty sure that some of the students knew as well. Nothing is ever hidden in this school for long but Miss Light was trying to keep it hidden. If the whole school knew that a dangerous and evil dream walker had kidnapped a student, all of hell would break loose.

" You can not just use offensive techniques all the time, in many cases its the defensive technique that will be whether you survive or not a tough situation", said Mr Pitch.

" It's not that hard, just imagine a dark room and then focus on your power Jennifer, spread your hands apart like you are touching a wall", said Mr Pitch, spreading is hands out palms away from his body.

A thin black screen appeared and spread out as his hands moved until a rectangular shape was formed, like a flat screen TV. " See, like this", said Mr Pitch.

I sighed and copied his action and focused on imagining a dark room or screen while grabbing that familiar feeling of my darkness power. I slowly spread my hands apart and watched as a small thin black screen appeared and grew as I focused.

I stopped when the screen was a few metres wide and smiled.

" That's much better Jennifer, good work, now I want you to push the screen forward in my direction and let it wrap around me so that I can't see, don't worry you won't hurt me", said Mr Pitch, offering me a small smile.

I took a deep breath and let it out slowly. I slowly directed the screen towards Mr Pitch and let it wrap around him until all he could see was that black screen.

" Good Jennifer, now I want you to keep the screen where it is but I want you to walk away from it", said Mr Pitch from inside the screen.

"How do I do that?", I asked.

" Ok, well you know how to tie a balloon off onto another object, its the same process", said Mr Pitch. "Imagine your connection to the screen as a string that you want to tie off but tie it around me so that it won't disappear around me straight away but cling to me for as long as possible, depending the strength behind the screen", said Mr Pitch.

I frowned as I listened to him explain. I think I understood what he was asking me to do and I could  understand why it would be useful, keep the enemy blind until you can run away.

" Do you understand?",  Mr Pitch asked.

" I do, I'll try", I muttered, slightly nervous.

" You'll do fine", said Mr Pitch.

I took a deep breath and imagined my connection to the screen, turning it into a piece of string. I felt a tug in my gut and smiled. I think it is working, I thought. Quickly, still imagining the string, I imagined it disconnecting from myself and tying it onto Mr Pitch.

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