Chapter 18 - Another round at powers

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Derrick's POV

Why did I allow Jen to tell her friends, they're just going to get hurt. I am glad that they're helping but I didn't want to be responsible for their deaths. I sighed as I watched Jen hug her friends goodbye before turning towards me. We were checking out the library again to see if we could try and figure out the prophecy and what Jen's hidden power was. We hadn't had much luck in the last week since we told her friends, that's why Jen and I were heading towards the library.

Jen's long brown hair swayed slightly by some invisible wind. I noticed that happened a lot, either one of her elements would show itself. Usually it was wind, playing with her hair or snow and ice or fire affecting her temperature. Her beautiful green blue eyes sparkled despite everything that was happening to her, to us.

How she could handle the pressure of her powers, of this prophecy I'll never know. As she walked closer to me, my heart thumbed loudly within my chest. My energy signature tingling sensation rose up in me as my power reacted against her. The light wind that surrounded Jen picked up slightly but she didn't notice it. I stiffened slightly, concentrating on forcing my power to remain calm as Jen got closer.

" Hey, you ready", Jen smiled. She was more relaxed today, almost happy?

" Yeah, you're in a good mood today, something happened?", I asked smirking.

Jen rolled her eyes and pushed me playfully. A tiny shock ran through me and I tried to ignore it as Jen grabbed my hand.  Every time she touched me, a small shock would go through me. I didn't know if it was her electricity element or if it had something to do with the both of us. Whatever it was, it was hard to concentrate on keeping my power in check.

" Actually yes, I'm much better at controlling all the elements now, all my teachers are impressed and they think it's time to move on something more advanced", smiled Jen.

" That's great, do you think we'll have a better shot at the competition now that we can both control our powers around each other ", I smiled.

Jen shrugged, a tiny frown appeared on her lips. My heart skipped a beat and I tried hard not to lean down and kiss her. She was so beautiful and it was getting harder at keeping my feelings to myself.

Well I think Sam, Lilly and Talia had noticed but not Jen. I knew Sam liked Jen and when two guys like the same thing, well let's just say there was tension. I worried that Jen liked Sam but Jen's darkness element and Sam's shadows power was so similar, it was kind of freaky.  Than again anything dealing with night or darkness were always similar I thought.

I sighed inwardly but pushed those thoughts aside, I must protect Jen and control my powers around her, for her sake, for everyone's sake. " I hope so but I will try, I hate backing down and besides I'd never give Luke or Amber the satisfaction of beating me", frowned Jen.

" Of course you wouldn't", I smiled and she smiled back.

" Come on, let's see what we can find", she smiled and she yanked me towards the library. We entered the quiet atmosphere and glanced around. No one was around apart from the librarian who was reading a novel at her desk.

"Back again I see, I can't blame you two, it's highly unlikely you'll find the Internet of any use for your particular topic", said the librarian without looking up from her book.

"It was you", whispered Jen suddenly. " It was you who pointed me in the right direction and showed me that other book but why, I thought", Jen whispered but stopped when librarian smiled at us.

" You what, that hardly a soul knew of the full prophecy, that only the leaders and Miss Light knew, Jennifer you of all people should understand how hard it is to ignore being curious or being kept in the dark", smiled the librarian.

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