Chapter 31 - The semi finals

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The semi finals were here. I had completely forgotten about them, what with everything else going on. It slipped my mind. Derrick and I hadn't practiced at all but we knew each others powers well and we worked well together so we will be fine.

Honestly though, i didn't care if i won anymore, it was just a game and there was always next year, if there was a next year, I thought. If i survive whatever Almos is planning, the stupid prophecy and not to mention passing all my classes, it will be a miracle.

One step at a time Jen, i thought. As far as I could tell, there were three extremely good teams besides Derrick and I. I'd overheard students talking about the teams that were in the semi finals, some students were even betting on who would win.

Besides Derrick and I, the teams were third year students who had won the year before, they were twins. Two boys but with different powers, it was the only way to tell the two apart because they were identical in every other way.

The older one had  mind powers of manipulation and mind reading. He could alter what you saw or what you feel and used his mind reading ability to find your worries and fears and make them a reality. It was a unique but terrifying power to have.

His brother had a more physical power, also unique but just as terrifying. He could alter the atmosphere around you. He could change the gravity or the air around you to make you heavier or more difficult to breath. The twins and their powers worked well together, complimenting each other powers strengths and weaknesses. They were am extremely tough team.

The next team were two friends, second years, a girl and a boy. The girl had super strength and the boy had the ability to fly, two very common powers but no less effective against many especially since they had known each other for years and worked well together.

Last but not least, was Luke and Amber, what a shocker. They had done extremely well, won every game except against Derrick and I when i had first discovered my powers. That seemed like so long ago but really it had only been a couple of months.

Luke and I were on better terms but that didn't mean he would go easy on me, he wanted to win, to show everyone how good he was. Plus Amber was a tough fire wielder to beat and she still hated me. 

So there was definitely some tough competition but Derrick and I had made it this far, we were in the semi finals. I wasn't fussed about making it into the finals, I was more worried about Sam and passing my classes.

"Hey Jen, you ready for the semi finals", Lilly asked. I jumped, startled by her voice, lost in my thoughts.

"Huh, um yeah I guess, i honestly don't really care anymore", I grumbled as i shoved my books into my locker. The games were first up, so no classes until the end of the semi finals.

"I know but think of this is your outlet, your way to deal with everything going on, with Sam and Almos", smiled Lilly.

"Huh, I never though of it like that, thanks Lilly", I smiled. I gave her a hug and she squeezed me tightly.

"No worries, what are best friends for, like your mum said we'll get through this, together", Lilly smiled. "Talia and I will be cheering from the side lines", she said.

"Thanks, hopefully this won't drag on for too long", I said. We made our way to the stadium, students whispering and nudging their friends as we walked past.

"Did you hear about the bets", I asked.

"Yeah i did, Talia and I betted on you and Derrick", laughed Lilly. 

"Wow really, well we better do well then", I laughed as we reached the stadium.

"Hey, you ready", smiled Derrick, coming towards us, carrying two shirts with the number 2 on them.

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