Chapter 9 - In the spotlight

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"Welcome Jennifer to powers class, glad you could finally join us", smirked the red headed lady I met on my first day here.

"Hi, um where do you want me to sit", I asked nervously as I glanced around. Sam and Lilly and Talia sat together and they smiled at me reassuringly.

" Wherever, we were about start combo practice", smiled the teacher. I nodded and started to head towards my friends table when something grabbed my hand. On inpulse, using my new fire power I made my skin burst into flames. I turned to see Derrick quickly pulling his hand back and I smiled.

"Sorry Derrick", I whispered making my hand turn back to normal. I could feel everyone staring at me in astonishment as Derrick smirked at me.

" No problem, sit next to me", smiled Derrick. Miss Light's words about how Derrick was to be my protector echoed in my head and I mentally shrugged. I would be spending most of the time with him as well as my friends, better start now, I thought. I glanced over at my friends to see them looking at me in confusion and Sam glaring daggers at Derrick. I gave them a look saying I'll explain later and sat down.

" Did Miss Light tell you about what my new job is", whispered Derrick as my new teacher turned to write something on the board. I nodded and gave him a side long glance. He stared at me, his beautiful eyes bright and sparkling.

" Ok class, today I want you to pair up and work on combining your powers, sometimes in the real world, if you have a partner, using your powers separately isn't enough, you have to combine them", smiled the teacher.

Her name was Mrs Ellis and she was a fire wielder and a mind reader, one of those rare Talented who had gained both their parents powers. " Ok the person you're sitting next to is your partner for today, good luck", Mrs Ellis smiled.

I smiled sheepishly at Derrick who grinned back. " Well I guess where partners again", smirked Derrick and I nodded. Everyone was standing up and moving to a different spot in the large room.

Derrick and I copied them and headed for a corner next to a window. " So what element are you going to use", smiled Derrick as he made an energy ball appear.

" Well, um how about water that would be an interesting combination", I suggested shyly.  He smiled and nodded and I quickly summoned a water ball. To me, water was the easiest to control so far, I didn't even need to really concentrate much but with fire I did. Nature wasn't too hard and I hadn't really tried the others yet but I guess I'll have a go at them later in my new specialist class.

I pulled myself out of my thoughts and back to class as Derrick shuffled closer to me. " You ready to combine", Derrick asked and I nodded. I concentrated, making the ball of water float above me and Derrick did the same. Slowly the two different powers inched closer and closer together. I could feel the energy from both powers, a buzzing and a shivering feeling.

The two powers came together and a new energy was formed in a flash of white light. I blinked, trying to adjust to the sudden change of light. I glanced up and gasped. It was beautiful a swirling ball of pure energy and water. It was kind of like yin and yang. Water on my side and energy was on Derrick's side.

The light had attracted everyone's attention and they all stared fascinated by the glowing ball of water and energy. Mrs Ellis wandered over, grinning. " Well well, never would have guess such opposites to create something like that, something with beauty and such power", she cooed and Derrick and I blushed. " Well done, full marks, you better stop that now before you drain all your energy", she smiled.

We nodded and I waved my hand, the water disappearing. Derrick did the same and I sighed in relief. I didn't realise I was draining so much energy. "Here Jen, this will help", smiled Derrick and he gently touched me on the arm. A rush of energy filled me and I gasped.

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