Chapter 7 - Unexpected change

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"Welcome back Jennifer, I hope you enjoyed your break from me", hissed the creepy voice. I shivered as the hooded figure emerged from the shadows. The sound of water could be heard dripping and I longed to find it. As if reading my thoughts, the hooded figure laughed. "It seems that you have a longing for water but the anger for fire", hissed the hooded figure.

This is an unexpected change to my nightmare, I thought as I stared at the figure. I was terrified but I was determined to hide it. I refused to speak to this monster, this dream walker and controller of water, fire and electricity. He could harness those three elements for some bizarre reason.

"Refusing to speak, that's ok, just listen", grumbled the hooded figure.

" Why would I listen to you dream walker and where's Derrick", I asked at last.

"Derrick is dreaming peacefully, I'm only visiting you tonight my dear", the figure hissed.

" Why can't you leave me alone, I'm powerless, not worthy attention for a dream walker", I said.

" That's where you're wrong my dear", laughed the figure. " You are very powerful, you just don't know it yet but the prophecy does predict that you are the one and I am connected to you whether you like it or not, I just thought we should get to know each other earlier, you and I and Derrick", said the figure.

"You are crazy, leave me alone", I shouted. I stomped my foot and the ground shook beneath me.

"See, your power is beginning to show in dreams, it won't be long now before you will be using your power in the waking world but as you wish", said the hooded figure and he bowed before backing away.

I stared at where he had been in shock and before I knew it, I was back in my bed,awake. I hate him, that stupid dream walker and his stupid powers. Why was he tormenting me, I was not special, I was not apart of some stupid prophecy. If you think I was, I would have known by now, I thought angrily as I jumped up from my bed.

But you might not, some people who don't get their powers until later are special, a tiny voice spoke in my mind. Oh shut up I said to it as I dressed, getting ready for school. Today was the day I would make a fool of myself and bring Derrick along for the ride. As I was entering the competition, all competitors had to wear sport shorts that are comfortable and easy to move around in and your team's shirt.

Derrick and I had decided on blue as it won't stand out like red or yellow like some others were wearing. I sighed and quickly put my long honey brown hair into a  high sporty ponytail. All classes were postponed for the first competition.

The powers competition happened every month for a year. Every time you won, you got a few points that was tallied to your score. Every time you lost, you would lose points and you would have to gain them back next time. At the end of the year, the points are tallied and the winner or winners are announced and they get their name and picture on the honor board and win one thousand dollars each.

You could enter by yourself or as a team. People usually went as teams as it made you stronger and you had someone watching your back. When it came to teams, usually one had an offensive talent and the other a defensive talent as it was the best tactic.

Sometimes there were teams with two offensive or defensive and it worked either way depending on the person's power. I didn't understand though why Derrick wanted to partner up with me. Yes people who didn't have their powers entered as a kind of assessment but usually they partnered up with someone like them. News on mine and Derrick's partnership traveled fast, thanks to Luke.

I sighed, Luke would make it his personal task to embarrass me in front of the entire school. My thoughts flickered back to what I thought yesterday about getting a power today. Oh I wish it could be true, I thought sadly as I picked up my bag and hurried down stairs for breakfast.

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