Chapter 24 - A fiery temper

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"Hey, isn't the semi finals of the power competition up soon", Lilly asked as she leant against her locker next to mine.

" Yeah so?", I asked willing her to drop  the topic. I didn't want to think about the competition, not with everything else going on at the moment.

" Well shouldn't you and Derrick be practicing or something, I hear it gets pretty intense at the semi finals", said Lilly. I glared at the inside of my dark locker and I sighed. I shoved one of my books into it and slammed the door shut.

" I know it gets intense but Lilly with everything else going on, I don't care", I said. " It's just a game, yeah if I win, I get a shiny award and become popular but honestly I won't be sad if I lose", I said.

" What about Derrick though, I thought he really wanted to win", Lilly asked.

" If he did, he should have teamed up with someone else or he doesn't care much either", I said grumpily.

" Why are you in a mood Jen, what's wrong", Lilly asked concerned. I stopped walking in the direction of class and I sighed. Should I tell her. About Derrick's and I connection, about Sam? I hadn't seen Sam at all this morning but I was kind of glad I didn't have to deal with him at the moment, not after the kiss.

It was nice, the sweet kiss but I didn't feel anything, no spark or jolt of sexual tension, nothing. It was frustrating that Sam had to choose now to show his feelings but it was my fault. I shouldn't have been so oblivious to his feelings. I'm such an idiot, I thought.

I stared at Lilly, waiting patiently for my answer. " Nothing, don't worry about it, I'm just tired", I said.

" Well okay, let's get going, Talia is meeting us there", smiled Lilly and we continued towards class. I sighed, I wish I didn't have to worry about this prophecy, it's driving me insane as we walked to class.

" Good morning class, today we will be continuing to work on combining powers together", smiled Mrs Ellis. " I know you are probably sick of doing this but it is the most effective in fights when you have a partner, it doubles your chance of survival and creates a more powerful attack, this will be on the final exam so make sure you can do it", she smiled.

" Once mastered, we'll move onto focusing your power, whatever it is on a specific person or a large group, depending on the situation", said Mrs Ellis. "For example if you have an offensive power such as using fire like I can, you can single in on one person, creating less damage to the surroundings or to a large group, saving time and more lives faster but we won't start that until you have mastered working together with each others powers", said Mrs Ellis.

" I'll be picking your partners, you won't get the chance to choose when the exam comes along", said Mrs Ellis.

Shit! I hadn't even thought of exams coming up, it's scary how much time had already passed, it was inching closer to the end of the term and all I've thought about was the prophecy and well Derrick! No wonder Miss Light and my parents tried to keep it from me, to avoid taking over my life completely.

I sighed tiredly as I watched Mrs Ellis pair people up. She went over to Amber and then pointed in my direction. No, please no, not me, not me, I begged to myself. Fuck, my luck sucks, I thought as Amber glared at me but made her way over to me.

" Listen here Ashton, I hate you, I hate you so much with all the fire in my heart but I like this school, I like learning about controlling my power and I want to do well and I need all the practice I can get with this stupid power combination shit, so let's just get this over with", grumbled Amber.

" Wait, what happens if you don't pass", I asked ignoring her nasty tone when she glared at me again.

" If you fail, if you are lucky you just have to repeat the year but most likely you get kicked out", said Amber. " Didn't you know Ashton", smirked Amber.

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