Chapter 14 - The Prophecy

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Jen's POV

Ugh, I hate secrets, I thought as I rummaged through my locker, searching for my stupid specialist homework. Ever since my first try at the darkness element, Mr Pitch has slowly been trying to teach me about the darkness element.

How I had tried to summon it like how I did with spirit was not the right way at all. The darkness element was the hardest and dangerous to control because if you lost control, you lose your self conscious, all your negative feelings and the small evil part of the darkness element takes over. I shivered, I never wanted to feel like that again, filled with poison and negativity.

I sighed as I pulled out the essay I had to write while my friends chatted about our latest history class. Derrick was absent thankfully, he was helping his energy wielder teacher set up a special course for himself. I appreciated Derrick for saving me and being there for me but I was torn between letting him stay with me or go away. I had never felt like this before around Derrick and I didn't want my powers affecting him. It seemed they did too because he always had less control of his powers around me and vice versa.

" It seems Derrick knows a lot about The Prophecy ", grumbled Sam as I slammed my locker.

" Yeah, you should ask him if he knows anything more", said Lilly twirling her fingers around, making a single snow flake appear and disappear. I rolled my eyes at Lilly's idea of keeping herself occupied while we hurried to our next classes, our specialist class. Other students stared at us while we walked by which annoyed me deeply. It had leaked about what happened in my first specialist lesson with the darkness element.

I blamed Mike for that as he chatted about it in the teachers staff room and was the only teacher that didn't shield himself from the mind readers in the school. So naturally, everyone now knew and they were afraid I would attack them or burn the school down. Even Luke and Amber kept their distance. My friends knew it was a one off and that I was trying really hard to control all my powers but when it came to being an Elemantal, I had a lot of powers.

" Yeah, I highly doubt he knows anything else and if he does I doubt he would share, he's very secretive like that", I grumbled.

"Yeah true, couldn't hurt though", said Talia smiling.

" I'll see what I can do but I'll see you guys later", I sighed as we reached my classroom. They nodded and turned around as I entered my specialist class room. All the teachers were already there, talking among themselves. Mrs Shay saw me first and smiled at me as I entered.

" Hello Jennifer, how are you today", she smiled. Her blue eyes with flecks of golden brown in them twinkled merrily as all the teachers turned to stare at me.

" Hi, um here's the homework for you Mr Pitch", I whispered holding out the essay. Mr Pitch stepped forward and took the essay silently. Mr Pitch kind of reminded me of Professor Snape from Harry Potter, sort of. That dark exterior freaked me out a bit.

" Good, I'll be taking the floor again for this lesson, I think it's time for another try at your darkness element", whispered Mr Pitch.

" Ugh, geez, I don't know sir, I don't think I'm ready", I stuttered. Mr Pitch smiled darkly, his black eyes twinkling coldly.

" You are, we identified the mistake and we've fixed it and Derrick is not here to intervene either", said Mr Pitch.

" He saved me from the darkness element, so don't talk shit about him", I growled before clapping my hands over my mouth. " I'm sorry, I'm just a bit agitated today", I whispered.

"It's ok Jennifer, now let's get this over with, remember, don't reach for it, let it come to you and use your strength to control it", whispered Mr Pitch. " If it makes it easier picture a strong happy memory and use it to keep the element at bay, once you've done this a few times, the darkness element is easy to control", smiled Mr Pitch.

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