Chapter 13 - Dark visions and hidden truths

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Everything was black, I couldn't see a thing. I knew I was dreaming but I couldn't do anything, I was stuck. I couldn't move a muscle, only stare at the inky darkness that loomed before me. What is happening, I thought as I strained to look behind me with little success. I need some light before this darkness drives me insane and I don't think a crazy Elemantal is desirable when I could barely control the elements as it is.

I could control them a little bit since my first specialist lesson and with the help of my friends but that darkness element. I shivered as I felt that slimy corrupted feeling slither over me as I had tried to control it. The bubbling poison that I could feel rushing through me, swallowing me up, making me lose what was right and what was wrong.

I never wanted to feel like that again. Derrick said I went insane, that I gave into the darkness were his exact words. I didn't know how to feel about him anymore. I was touched that he wanted to help me but I feared that no one can help me, I thought darkly.

" I can help you ", sneered a deep creepy voice. I flinched, that voice was just like the darkness element, poisonous and deadly.

I knew who it was and I wanted to run. I thought I had finished with this dream walker with control over some of the elements. I swallowed my fear and turned to the direction of the voice. He stepped forward, his dark hood covering his face. I could just make out his upturned lips and a reflective gleam from his eyes.

" What do you want from me, I thought you had left me alone ", I hissed my voice surprisingly steady.

" Darling, I'm never going to leave you and Derrick alone, you're stuck with me until it is complete", snarled the man.

" What's what completed", I hissed. I had had enough of this choking darkness and concentrated my energy on my right hand. A small red flame sputtered to life and I threw it up into the air where it hovered over us.

I glanced around to see that we were in a elegant  dining room although there was no table or chairs. It was empty except for two arm chairs and a empty fireplace which looked out of place in a room like this. The floor was marbled and cold. I glanced down to see I was barefooted and I shivered.

" Impressive Jennifer, you're learning quickly, it seems your friends and teachers are actually useful, I'm glad I didn't take you away when you were a baby and besides I like my Elemantal to be stubborn and strong, it makes it so much more fun when it's time to break you" , sneered the man stepping forward.

I took a step back, my light following me. "You don't scare me", I hissed clenching my hands into fists.

" No, I suppose not at the moment but you will, you and Derrick will see my way and then it will all be over for those weak minded Talented, once I have you my sweet Elemantal, everything  else will follow as the prophecy predicts", sneered the man.

" Prophecy, you don't mean The Prophecy", I asked.

The man laughed and he slowly backed away. " I'm surprised they haven't told you when you're the main element to it, Derrick is better at keeping things from you than I thought", he chuckled.

" Tell me, you bastard ", I yelled.

The man laughed again as everything started to blur. " In time child, good night and sweet dreams", he laughed and then he was gone. The room started to fade and I knew I was waking up. My last thought before I gained consciousness was, what does Derrick know?


I groaned as I opened my eyes to my dim lit room. My head throbbed painfully as I stretched and I sighed. I hate him! Why is he doing this to me, I thought angrily as I stumbled out of bed towards the bathroom.

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