Chapter 8 - New powers, new life?

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"We're so proud of you", squealed my mum as she crushed me in a bone crushing hug.

" I can't believe you're an Elemantal Jen, never saw that coming", grumbled Jaz as she leant against the wall.

"I'm just so happy you got your powers, have you tried using earth yet", my mother asked. I sighed and shook my head slowly. My parents were thrilled that I was the next Elemantal, that I had so much power but I didn't. Don't get me wrong, actually having my power was cool but being an Elemantal! I did not ask for that.

"What was it like Jen, when you first used your powers", my dad asked. My dad was tall and muscular. His honey brown hair like mine stuck up in all directions, no matter what he did. He had deep sea green eyes. My eyes were so different from my family, I had large blue green eyes, a mixture of my parents eyes. My dad had a bit of a prickle and he could be very intimidating but he was soft centred.

I smiled despite of my new powers. "To be honest, it felt really good, like I could do anything", I said quietly. My parents smiled and they both hugged me tightly. My baby brother toddled in and gave me a big hug. " Jen, Jen, so happy Jen has powers", cried my little brother. I laughed and picked him up and threw him into the air.

He giggled and clapped his hands as I gently put him down. I smiled but frowned, glancing towards my parents. "Wait, what's going to happen now", I asked staring at my parents. My mum shrugged and gave me a sweet smile.

" You'll meet with the principal and a few teachers tomorrow morning to discuss your classes and that, I expect you'll have a special specialist class", smiled my mum. I nodded and excused myself to the garden. I wanted some alone time but also I wanted to try my powers again.

When I was outside I stretched out my hand and concentrated. I was thinking of fire from the powers competition and I smiled when my hand started to tingle and warm up. I blinked and there was a small flickering flame in my palm. " Cool", I whispered.  I extinguished the flame and glanced over at a patch of bushes.

I pointed a finger at one and thought of nature and moving it. I felt another sensation run through me but this one felt like when you got goosebumps and pins and needles at the same time. The bush quivered and then it burst out of the ground, growing until a tree stood there instead of a bush. I jumped back in surprise and stumbled over a rock. I fell backwards and landed on my but.

High pitched laughter filled the air and I turned around. Jaz was standing there, laughing at me. " Oh my god Jen, that was hilarious, you so need to practice your nature element", giggled Jaz.

I scowled at my younger sister and jumped up, dusting the dirt off from me. "Well I only got my powers today, why don't you show me how it's done", I grumbled glaring at her.

" With pleasure ", smirked Jaz raising her hands. A rumbling sound started next to me and I gasped as a beautiful tree with white flowers appeared standing tall. "Controlling nature is more than just vines, trees and roots, it's about staying power and beauty", smiled Jaz. " You can bend nature, creating new plants", smiled Jaz.

" Geez Jaz, that's amazing", I smiled.

" I guess being powerful runs in the family, not many can create new plants like me", smiled Jaz. " Ok, let's see what you're got, start small", smiled Jaz. I swear she could be a teacher, I thought as I turned around.

Something small, what about a flower, I thought. I took a deep breath and imagined a single sunflower,  growing tall and bright. I felt the ground shake and I opened my eyes. I laughed in delight at the beautiful sunflower before me. Jaz clapped behind me and walked forward towards the flower.

" Good let's see you control it, like this", smiled Jaz and she twirled a finger around, her eyes on the flower. As she twirled her finger around, the flower copied her. Jaz jerked her finger forward and the leaves pelted towards me, razor sharp.  I yelped and summoned a fire wall similar to the one Amber created a few hours ago. The leaves landed harmlessly against the fire wall.

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