Chapter 29 - Rescuing Sam

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The day had finally arrived to go after Sam. Since my last nightmare with Almos and meeting up with my friends, we have all been practicing how to block him out of our dreams.

We had no idea if it was working until just yesterday when Luke approached me. I sat at my desk attempting to do homework as I remembered our conversation.

I was walking down the hallway heading to the library to meet up with mu friends. We were going to discuss the plan one final time as well as a practice session on blocking Almos from our dreams. We had gotten very good at the technique awake and so we had begun trying it asleep.

The library was the best place since it was so quiet and no one ever went there straight after school. Plus there were plenty of dark and shadowed corners to fall asleep in so that we could practice without being disturbed.

No one knew what we were up to except maybe the libarian but I knew she supported us and she knew we were trying to figure out the prophecy and what to expect. I sighed thinking of the prophecy, we hadn't even talked about it since we lost Sam but we would get right back to it as soon as Sam was safe. I would not rest until he was safe as it was my fault.

My thoughts were interrupted as someone yanked me into an empty classroom, a hand covered my mouth to stop me from yelling out for help. I summoned vines and used them to tie up the person behind me and pull away and dangle the person from the ceiling before I turned around.

" Luke, what the hell are you doing", I growled as I watched Luke struggle with the vines.

" I needed to speak to you Ashton", he growled out as he struggled. He summoned a knife and began to cut the vines away untill they all loosened and he fell to the ground, hard. I smirked at him as he cursed rubbing his head where he hit it before stumbling up from the ground.

" So you thought, yanking me and covering my mouth was a good way to go about talking to me, hmm", I said smirking.

" Cut me some slack Ashton, you're always watched or around people, everyone always keeping an eye on the little Elemental and her powerful friends", said Luke mockingly.

"Hmph, well you have my attention so speak", I said.

"Almos visited me last night even though I took my mother's herb, he forced me to dream and got in, so care to explain why he was so persistent in entering my dream instead of his favourite Elemental", mocked Luke.

I resisted grinning like an idiot, it works, we have successfully kept Almos out of our dreams. "Hmm I don't know, maybe your mother's herb is just ineffective", I said shrugging.

"No it's not, so tell me why Almos was in my dream instead of yours", Luke asked.

I sighed and turned away from Luke. "Just a new defense that my friends and I have been using, I guess it actually works", I said. 

"Well yes it works because now Almos has asked me again if I want to join him, luckily for me before I could answer, my alarm woke me up", grumbled Luke. "Can you teach me this technique and in return I won't bother you again", said Luke.

I scoffed and turned to face Luke again. "Like that's actually going to happen, you can find the answer in the library just choose the book that helps those who have no powers or an offensive power only defend themselves against mind related powers", I said smirking at Luke's frustration.

"Fine, oh and whatever plan you and your imbecile friends have, leave me out of it and", Luke said but he hesitated.

"And what?", I asked crossing my arms as I stared at him.

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