Chapter 28 - Who to trust

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Jen's POV

"SAM!", I yelled as I bolted up from my bed. My hair clung to my forehead from sweat.

Steam rose from under ny sheet and I hurriedly pulled it off. My body was steaming, my powers reacting to my emotions. Calm down Jen, I thought and took a deep breath. Slowly, the steam disappeared and I felt much calmer.

" Oh Sam, this is all my fault, I just seem to hurt everyone I love", I whispered as I thought of Sam in that bed.

What was worrying was who has Almos talked to? Which one of my friends did he talk to, to find out that we were planning on rescuing Sam on Friday? If Almos could visit my friends dreams and get information, how are we safe?

Maybe we should create a new communication system that only we understood so then Almos won't be able to figure it out. No that's stupid, he would figure it out anyway, he's too smart. " But I'm smarter", I muttered as an idea popped into my head.

We didn't have enough time to master it but the earlier we started, the better it would be later on. I picked up my phone and texted Derrick, Lilly and Talia.

Guys, we need talk asap, meet me at the school library.


I pressed send and went through one of my text books. Ah here it is, I thought as I picked up one of my text books. It was one of my text books I got before I discovered I was an Elemantal, it was a book on how to protect yourself from certain powers that targeted the mind like blocking people from reading your thoughts or controlling you.

I remember reading a chapter on blocking dream walkers or anyone who had a talent of entering people dream as a side power of mind reading since you are weakest when you are asleep. The difference between a mind reader entering someone else dream and a dream walker is, with a mind reader its usually accidental and you have to be in close range of the person sleeping.

With a dream walker, it doesn't matter with distance and they can manipulate and bend dreams to their will causing nightmares as well as preventing you from waking, keeping you in a coma if they wanted to. What was worst was that they could  injure or kill you in your dream which can injure or kill you in real life but since there have been so few dream walkers, it hasn't really been tested what they can really do and I didn't want to find out.

Here it is! How to block a dream walker from entering your dreams, the chapter title said. Before I could continue reading my phone went off. It was from Derrick.

Okay, I'll pick you up in 10 minutes.


I smiled as I read his text but then I reminded myself on what has happened and what I have to do. I booked marked the chapter and stuffed the book in my bag, along with my phone, wallet and keys.

Students were allowed to use the library after hours for school projects so it wouldn't be an issue getting in there.

" I'm off to the library for an assignment, I'll be back later", I called to my parents.

" Is Derrick picking you up", my mum asked from the lounge room.

" Yeah he is, he should be here in a second", I said.

" Alright but be back by ten Jen", my mum called.

" Will do", I replied before leaving the house.

I leant against a tree waiting but I didn't have to wait long as I saw a pair of headlights coming towards my house.

" Hey, what's wrong", Derrick asked as soon as I opened the door and got inside.

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