Chapter 19 - Celebration turned sour

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Jen's POV

"We're now second, if we keep up the points we might win", smiled Derrick as we finally were allowed to leave the stadium.

I smiled, feeling at ease for the first time in forever. At last I had some control over my powers including my darkness element and no one could say otherwise.

" Hey, I know it's been stressful with trying to control your powers and figuring out the prophecy but I was wondering if you wanted to hang out outside school without worrying about anything school or prophecy related", smiled Derrick.

I stared at Derrick dumbfounded, wondering if he was ligit or not. " Really, like a date?", I asked smiling.

A faint blush appeared on Derrick's cheeks and I tried to hide my own blush. " Um just as friends", muttered Derrick looking away from me.

I smiled at how embarrassed he was and gave him a light shove. "Sure why not, I think I need a break from school and the prophecy anyway", I smiled. Derrick glanced at me and smiled.

" Great, today after school, maybe this cafe I know of or we can do something else if you like?",Derrick asked nervously. I smiled and without thinking began swirling a mixture of water and fire around with my fingers.

" No the cafe is fine, where do you want to meet?", I asked.

"At the front doors",Derrick smiled.

I nodded and hurried off to find my friends to celebrate my victory. I hurried towards my next class, English.

" Oh Jennifer, there you are", yelled a voice from behind me. I turned to see Miss Light hurrying towards me.

" Hello Miss Light, what's the matter", I asked.

" Nothing but the leaders and I would like to congratulate you and Derrick on your performance today", smiled Miss Light.

" Oh thanks, is that all", I asked.

"No but I think it's best if we discuss this in my office, I've gotten someone else to grab Derrick, your teacher will understand", said Miss Light.

Can I not catch a break, I thought as I reluctantly followed Miss Light to her office. When we arrived, Derrick was already there sitting stiffly in a chair. The other leaders also sat but they were more relaxed in my opinion. Even though they were relaxed didn't mean that everything was okay. If they wanted to see me, it must be bad.

" You wanted to see me", I asked as Miss Light joined the other leaders.

" Yes, congratulations on your performance, we're all pleased how much you have progress on your powers, both of you but we need to discuss some things", said Miss Light.

" Yeah, like why have you two been trying to figure out the prophecy, it's too soon and you might not be the Elemental in the prophecy", grumbled Trent flexing his muscles. I scowled at the fire wielder, suppressing my anger.

" Why do I want to know, well I know you say I might not be the one but I think I am and I think you know that, I want to know what my future holds, do I really have to save the world?", I asked softly. The leaders glanced sideways at each other worriedly.

" Jennifer, you don't need to worry about it right now, when the time comes we'll know", said Miss Light.

" No I have had enough of everyone's bullshit, I've been kept in the dark for too long, I know it's me because that horrible dream walker is after me, I want to figure out the prophecy so I am prepared, I don't want to stuff everything up", I hissed.

The leaders stared at me in shock. "How do you know about Almos", the water wielder who was called Alana asked.

" That's my fault, I let it slip when they visited me early this week", sighed Miss Light.

" And that's not even half of it because I know about the unknown element as well", I grumbled.

The leaders except Miss Light frowned in disproval. " Jennifer, we do have faith in you that you will save us but we thought you were too young, that you needed time to develop your powers and for you and Derrick to work together effectively", sighed Alana.

" I don't have all the time in the world, only a year or two I bet untill he is ready to attack or maybe sooner, who knows", I sighed.

" We'll get another dream walker to protect you and Derrick from his dream power", said the nature and mind reader called Demeter.

" No, I know he won't hurt us because he needs us but that doesn't apply to others, I don't want anyone getting hurt", I whispered.

" That's very noble of you Jen but we can't allow Almos hurting you or confincing you to join him", sighed Trent.

" I would never join him, I would rather die then join him, I want to help people not hinder them", I said quietly.

The leaders smiled and Miss Light stepped forward and gave me a quick hug. "Spoken like an Elemantal but Jen Almos can be very persuasive especially when he wants something", sighed Miss Light. I smiled sadly at the leaders before stepping back from Miss Light.

" If he wants me, he'll have to fight because there is no way I'm going down without a fight, he'll pay for what he's done", I whispered, sparks flying from my fingers. If Almos wants me, he has to try harder then sending me nightmares, I thought.


So sorry for this long update but I've started University or College if you're American :). It's been hectic, amazing and scary all at once. I'm studying Nutrition and Dietetics which I've wanted to do for years but I was so attempted to do Creative writing but there aren't many job opportunities but we'll see. I would love to publish a book either fiction or non fiction.

Anyway what do you think of this chapter, let me know in the comments!

Keep being awesome guys!
Cheers Jordan :-)

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