Chapter 36: Eros is mine

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I couldn't contain my amusement when Beta Algie plopped down in the driver's seat, his gasp of relief echoing through the car. It was clear that he had just escaped from the most awkward situation of his life. As he ran his fingers through his hair, a chuckle escaped his lips, likely replaying the whole ordeal in his mind.

"I can't believe I ever thought I'd end up having a Beta female," he muttered, facepalming at his own thoughts.

I couldn't help but laugh and tease him, "So, how does it feel to meet your mate?"

"Awkward," he replied with a husky voice, and we both burst into laughter simultaneously as he inserted the key into the ignition and brought the car to life. The engine roared along with our laughter.

During our conversation with Mr. Dencio and his daughter, Clara, we carefully skirted around the topic of pack things. Clara shared her own struggles with embracing her wolf, believing herself to be abnormal due to the presence of her wolf.

I also recounted my own experience of shifting for the first time, which elicited a hearty laugh from Beta as he discovered Eros' initial reaction. I vividly remembered Eros proclaiming that he didn't want a mate stronger than him, only to find out that I was his destined mate.

As Clara and I shared stories of our first shifts, Beta chimed in as well. He revealed that his own shift didn't occur at night, but rather in the morning while he was taking a dip in the swimming pool. It was an awkward situation, having to climb out of the water to allow his wolf to emerge, especially considering the audience he had on his birthday.

Since Mr. Dencio was human, he lightened the mood with a joke, expressing his relief at not having a wolf. His daughter playfully retorted, "Of course, Dad. You don't need a wolf. You can just ride on my back." We all laughed, including Mr. Dencio, who jokingly wished he had a wolf too.

Witnessing the strong bond between father and daughter, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of envy. I also noticed a hint of sadness in Beta's eyes, perhaps a reminder of his own father. I didn't know the details of what had happened to Beta's parents, nor did I asked about Eros' family.

After bidding farewell to the Dencio family, Beta insisted on swinging by the Jollibee drive-thru. To my surprise, he ordered two sets of yumburger, fries, and a coke float, displaying a peculiar craving.

"Actually, I'm kind of lost right now. I don't know what to do, so let's just eat," he said, peeling the wrapper off his burger. We parked by the side of the road for a moment to enjoy our meal. He even closed his eyes and let out a satisfied hmm as he took a bite.

Unable to contain myself any longer, I burst into laughter. Then, I decided to steer the conversation towards the topic he seemed eager to discuss. "So, what are your thoughts on Clara? I have to admit, she's quite stunning."

He chewed slowly, savoring the flavors of his burger, as if picturing Clara's face in his mind. "I consider myself incredibly lucky to have a mate like her," he mused, shaking his head slightly. "She's truly breathtaking."

With a wide smile, I gazed ahead and took a sip of my coke float before clearing my throat. "You know, considering that she grew up with a human mindset and is accustomed to human ways, you might want to court her in a way that she's familiar with," I suggested. He looked at me intently, urging me to continue. "I mean, Eros seems to be doing the same with me now, but I've already accepted him. My focus is on embracing my role as Luna. But for Clara, she deserves to be courted."

"Yeah," he replied, nodding in agreement. "You're right. I can't just mark her right away because she's been raised under her father's influence. I'll have to go through the human process of wooing her."

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