Chapter 23

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"Turn to the side please," the photographer said.

I awkwardly shuffled my feet to the side and gave the camera a smile.

The photo shoot so far had been going pretty well. The location was this really pretty cabin surrounded by flowers of all kinds.

It was just me and Hyunjin here. The other couples were shooting in different places, I heard that Mark and Donghyuk got a beach. Sounds fun.

Hyunjin was standing behind the camera man watching me. It was kind of intimidating to have him there considering he was a lot more experienced than I was.

He had already taken his photos and they came out perfectly. I really wondered if there was anything he couldn't do. Maybe there really isn't.

A have more soft smiles and delicate poses trying my hardest to give a friendly look that soeun told me portray. I mean it wasn't a lie I just come off so shy on camera so Soeun told me to show off more of my friendly personality.

"Okay, done," said the photographer.

I let go of the breath I was holding. I know it's not very good for me but I try to look a thin as possible in pictures. I skipped breakfast and haven't had lunch but somehow I still felt bloated.

I went and look a seat on a bench. Hyunjin walked over to me.

"Soften your gaze you looked scared," he told me.

It took me a second to realize he was talking about my photos.

"Oh okay," I said.

"Hyunjin and Jeongin let's get the couple shots done." Said the photographer

"Okay," I said, following them to the inside of the cabin.

The first few were simple. We just stood next to each other.

"Let's do some skinship photos now," he said.

I swallowed dry. Be calm Jeongin, this your job. Be professional.

I slid my arms around Hyunjin's and leaned on his shoulder and gave a pretty smile.

Hyunjin widened his stance and kept his face neutral.

We took a few photos before we were asked to change the pose.

I hesitated, I didn't know what else to do.

I felt Hyunjin rest his elbow on my head. And I look up slightly.

"Great that's perfect hold it,"said the photographer.

Hyunjin took some photos looking at the camera and some looking at me.

Hyunjin took his elbow off my head and leaned down placing his Hand on top of my head as if he were patting me.

It felt weird to have Hyunjin show so much affection towards me. It was....nice. Different in a good way. I smiled at him.

"Jeongin hold that smile," he said moving the camera around to catch my expression.

We took a few more photos with simple poses like those until the photographer spoke up.

"The other couples had a kissing photo, so let's do that," he said.

I froze. Kissing? He have never kissed before. At least not on the lips. My heart sped up and I swallowed dry.

"I don't think so, we don't kiss publicly," Hyunjin stated.

"Oh, sorry. Well we do need some kind of bolder skinship, to excite viewers," he said.

Hyunjin looked around the room before suddenly picking me up off my feet.

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