24. My Ordinary Life

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"Because we have each other." I weakly smiled at him. I heard a knock at the door and I jumped. "Come in!" I shouted as I wiped my tears away. Luz opened the door and walked to the edge of my bed. "I had a nightmare. Oh hi, Hunter." She waved. "Hunter scoot over." I requested. He scooted over and Luz sat next to me. "We are going to finish Amphibia again, you want to watch?" I asked her. She nodded and brought the blanket up to her waist. Hunter wrapped his arm around my shoulders as we turned on the show.

-My Ordinary Life-

~They tell me I'm a god, I'm lost in the facade, six feet off the ground at all times I think I'm feeling odd~

I convinced Luz to let me tell Mom what happened. I told her while Luz drank her hot chocolate. I left out the part about me though. I was already uncomfortable telling her about everything else. I took a bite out of my pie while Mom looked at me. King and Hooty were also staring at me. "What?" I asked them. She inhales and covered his eyes. "This is just a lot to take in." She told me while making eye contact with me again. We don't have time to take anything in." Luz shivered.

"Luz..." I got up. "We have to stop Belos! I-I was a part of his plan!" Luz freaked out. "Luz, you're not alone. I'm still a part of his plan, remember?" I tried ignoring my emotions and hugged Luz. "But, I fell for everything!" She cried. "King, Hotty, you know what to do," Mom told them. Hooty wrapped around me and Luz and King hugged Hooty. "Well..." Mom got up. "One thing's for sure. People can tell when you've been inside their head. It's only a matter of time before Belos send his scouts over here. You need to hide." Mom advised.

"What? No, I can't hide!" I told her. "I need to stop him. How can I protect the people I love if I'm hiding?" I asked her. "Yeah, we just need to figure out how," Luz added. "Edalyn!" Lilith shouted. Hotty squeezed us. "Lulu!" Hooty shouted. "I came as fast as I could. Owlbert and P/n filled me in on the Draining Spell. Oh, Titan, I can't believe this is what the Day of Unity was about this whole time. Ugh. I was such a fool, a dolt, a chump, a-" Lilith trailed off. "Hey, no pity parties in this house. Besides, Luz is upset enough as it is." Mom told her.

"You're right. I'll do anything to help." She offered. "Lulu! I'm so happy to see you, I could... I could..." Hooty started gagging and I got out of Hooty's knot around us. He threw up trash and I roll my eyes. "Ugh! Gross." Luz mumbled. "Oh, my word," Lilith commented. "Hooty you gotta stop eating garbage from the ground." Mom recommended. I laughed at their reactions. King jumped out of the trash and I jumped. "He's also been eating our mail. Look!" He opened it up and something fell out.

"What does it say?" I asked him. "Dear King Clawthrone, if you wish to know who you truly are come to the location and meet our warrior clan. P.S bring your sister(s) with you." He read. "I think they might be my family! And maybe they're an answer to all our problems." He concluded. I scanned the page and noticed they drew a map, what the place looked like, someone who looked similar to King, and a girl who looked like she was floating... Kinda like a god.

"That's incredible, but how is it supposed to help us stop Belos?" Luz asked. "They're a clan of warriors! How else do you defeat a tyrant with their own army? By making an army of your own!" King explained. "Well, it's not like we have many allies," Lilith told us. "Not to mention it's a chance for King to find out where he came from. I say let's go for it." Luz insisted.

"Well, I say you guys need a safe place to hide while the adults take care of this," Mom ordered. They both scoff and turn away from each other. "I'm actually in favor of this plan," Lilith admitted. "You are?!" Luz and Mom shouted. "It wouldn't hurt to check. Plus judging by King's map you three would be taken far, far away from the Boiling Isles and Emperor Belos." Lilith explained.

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