2: Suspicious

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I felt the car come to a stop as I looked out at our college campus. Sighing I grabbed my bag as I stepped out of the car, throwing it over my shoulder. I was still in my pajamas, consisting of somewhat short shorts and a light blue oversized t shirt, but I couldnt care less.

The 3 of us walked through the halls, getting lots of weird expressions and whispers; mostly because of me. My face was probably still puffy and my hair was a complete mess. Its not like I dress to impress everyday to school, but this is a little unusual from me.

I waved my friends goodbye as I walked into my first lecture of the day; Molecular chemistry, a class I hated. I sighed quietly in relief as there was little to no one attending the lecture today, so I calmly walked near the back rows, sitting in my usual seat. Thank god no one sat next to me so I dropped my bag down on the neighboring chair.

Because the teacher wasn't here yet and I was bored, I slowly pulled the note out from my bag. I read every word over again, subconsciously frowning. As I was reading the note, I didn't notice the teacher walk in with an unfamiliar student walking behind her.

"Good morning everyone. We have a new student joining us today." As I looked up from the announcement, a shiver was sent down my spine as I noticed the new student staring directly at me, smirking ever so slightly.

He was wearing dark grey suit pants with a black turtleneck, accompanied by a golden chain around his neck and a grey suit blazer to match his pants. He wore expensive designer shoes with a louis vouton belt. His dark chocolate brown bangs laid perfectly over his forehead, his eyes the shape of a sirens. I couldn't help but notice he was ripped as fuck, especially his arms.

"Hello everyone, the names Seo Changbin. Nice to meet you all." He said huskily as he kept direct eye contact with me. I felt my cheeks turning a pink hue before huffing, shaking my head as I looked back down at my note. He may be hot but not really my type, plus he looks like an asshole.

A couple minutes went by as I noticed the room was still completely silent until I felt a presence standing next to me. Before I could even think of looking up, a hand snatched the note out of my hand, "Whatcha reading?" Said Changbin.

I snapped my head up in shock as his eyes quickly read every line. I quickly looked around and noticed everyone was looking at us, the girls whispering to each other. Not wasting another second, I stood up, pushing my chair back as I snatched the note out of his hand; not knowing how much he read of it.

"Hey fuck face, who the hell said you could snatch something out of my hands like that?!" I yelled, giving him a annoyed but stern look. He looked at me awestruck, looking somewhat offended but impressed at the same time. I scoffed loudly, pushing him back lightly as he was hella close before sitting back down. "Now do me a favor and get lost." I said not even looking up at him, stuffing the note back in my bag.

The room filled with gasps and whispers, but I ignored it until a husky voice spoke up. "My my, you're feisty- I like you already." Spoke the new student, moving my bag and sitting in the chair next to me. Before I could tell him off, the teacher spoke up, "Lee Felix, that is no way to speak to our new student. Now pay attention before I send you to detention." She demanded before starting the lecture.

"Unbelievable." I scoffed, not even bothering to take out my notes; I was so done with this school anyway.

As the lecture ended, I spent no time gathering my things and speeding out of the lecture hall, ignoring the piercing stare from Changbin. I walked to my locker about 10 minutes away, shoving my bag inside. As I was taking my airpods from my bag, I noticed a tall figure ghostly stand behind me, making me shiver slightly.

"Hello felix~" The male cooed, feeling a blood vessel pop out of my neck as I realized the annoying but hot voice. I inhaled and turned around, facing the tall man, ignoring the circle of students surrounding us. "What do you want now asshole?" I spat. "Oh I just want to talk." "Not fucking happening, now move." I hissed as I shoved past him, walking through the crowd that parted like the red sea, all of them staring in awe/shock.

And thats how it was the next 2 weeks, the new student by the name of Changbin kept popping up wherever I was. Half of the time wanting to talk but I turned him down, or just watching me from afar. It creeped me out.

I was now sitting in the cafeteria eating lunch with Jisung and Jeongin, talking about random things. I finally started getting back to how I was, since the whole mom situation really messed with my emotions. I giggled when Jisung made a comment about the new student.

"He may be one hot motherfucker but damn felix, you talk down to him like hes nothing!" "Yeah hyung, he looks really scary. I wouldn't push it too far.." Jeongin said kind of concerned. I cocked an eyebrow at him, slightly offended. "You think I care? He's done nothing but annoy me, plus he wont do anything."

"I wouldn't be so sure about that Mr. lee." Said the man himself, changbin, suddenly appearing behind me. I jumped slightly, not expecting him to pop up like that. His stern dark voice silenced the entire cafeteria. I turned around to look up at him with my usual blunt stare. "Now im gonna ask you nicely one last time. I want to talk to you, so come with me." He said sternly with the same intimidating tone.

I would be lying if it didn't scare me a little bit, but I kept that inside. I mustered my confidence back up as I scoffed, turning back around. "In your dreams, now get lost." I spat.

I hear a low sigh before I feel a pair of big arms wrap around my torso, suddenly being thrown over Changbins shoulder. "What the fuck! Let me go you psychopath!" I shouted, hitting his back but to no avail. He was strong. He calmly grabbed my bag and walked out of the cafeteria; leaving everyone, including my friends, stunned.

After struggling in his grip and shouting at him, we finally arrived to a vacant lecture hall far from other students or teachers. He finally set me down, placing my bag down as he jumped up to sit on one of the tables. "Are you crazy?!" I hissed at him, only making his roll his eyes in annoyance.

"Ive been asking you nicely to talk for weeks, but your stubborn ass wouldn't let me. Im already on a time crunch, boss is already mad." He said the last part quietly but realized he said it out loud. I noticed the slight panic in his expression because Im not dumb. "Boss? What do you mean your boss is mad? Because I wont talk to you? Seriously dude yo-"

"Your parents made a careless mistake and now your in our possession, so quit yapping unless you want me to explain."


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