14: the clock is ticking

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   Its been about 2 months since the members have been gone. Not to long ago Jisung and Jeongin spent about a week with felix, before they needed to go back to school.

   The other day, Felix decided to do something he has never done since he got here; leave the house alone.

  He just walked around the neighborhood a little bit, taking in the calming atmosphere of the beginning of spring as he passed each mansion.

  Today, Felix decided to do something even more risky; take a car down to the city. He didnt have a license but wasn't a bad driver, since he practiced a lot in Jisungs car.

  He put on a simple Balenciaga white shirt with the words printed on the back, black ripped jeans, and some air jordans. He styled his hair as he put concealer over the small cuts on his wrists. He frowned at the sight before shaking it off.

  "I might need some protection."

  And with that, he took a trip down to Chan's office. He was saddened at the sight of a quiet, empty office. He sighed as he made his way to the huge wall adorned with various weapons. He picked up a simple crimson red handgun and a matching dagger he hid with a strap that he put on his ankle under his jeans. He hid the gun under his shirt in the waistband of his pants.

  He picked out a black ferrari from the garage full of luxury cars, beginning to drive out of the house.

   He gripped the wheel as he glanced at the gps on his phone, showing him the way to the city. Felix would be lying if he said he wasn't nervous: he was. To a scary extent.

  He hasnt been out of the house alone, especially going to the city, since his kidnapping. His thoughts filled with everything that could go wrong; car crash, getting lost, kidnapping..

  Though felix had a gun and knife on him, he had know idea how to even use them. He took a deep breath to calm himself down, seeing the peeks of the tall city buildings coming closer.


Felix had been out exploring the city all day, he shook away the sadness and loneliness he felt back at the house; he felt calm, and content. It was night time now, he was walking down the quiet road from a boba shop he visited to get back to his car.

  Only seconds went by, Felix not being able to register whats going on as he was dragged into an alleyway, a gloved hand covering his mouth as he was dragged further in. He started kicking as his screams were muffled, but it did no use.

  A door opened into an abandoned looking warehouse, him being thrown to the floor moments later. Felix grunted in pain, his elbow colliding with the floor harshly. "What the fuck! Who are you!"

   "Looks like this one has a bad mouth." "We can get rid of that in no time~" said men that surrounded me slowly. They all wore somewhat ragged clothing, smirking devilishly at the attractive boy they just captured.

   "You dont need to worry about who we are, pretty boy. All you need to know is you'll be here a looong time~" Said the man who dragged him into here, biting his lower lip.

Felix on the other hand; was enraged. He wasnt scared of these low lives, nor nervous at the threat presented to him. He gritted his teeth as he stood up, a darkness engulfing his dark brown orbs.

   "You think you can get me that easily huh? Well, better luck next time." He said in a low intimidating tone, shaking the rest of the men down to the core.

  It felt as if he was in a trance, he body moving on its own. But it felt good.

   The satisfaction of the sound of gunfire echoing from his handgun, piercing one of the men in the stomach, the tingling feeling from the blade sliding across another's neck, making a deep gash, the sensation of when he swung his foot around to knock a guy out in a single kick.

   By the time he snapped out of it; he stood in the middle of a pile of dead bodies, blood splattered all over himself and the room. He was breathing heavily as he looked around with a blank face. I dont even know how to use a knife or gun properly, how did I even do this..? He thought to himself.

  He slowly placed the gun back in his waistband and the knife back into its holder. Turning around, he made his way to the door, leaving the gory scene behind him.

  He quickly ran to his car so no one noticed his appearance before driving home as quickly as he could. Little did felix know someone was watching him fight off the gang the whole time, recording.


   Felix jumped into the shower as he rushed to take off his clothing, sighing in relief as the warm water grazed his skin; washing away the blood of his captors.

  The anxiety creeped up his spine, remembering the gory events that took place not to long ago. It didnt scare him, just made him very unsettled. Very.. unsafe.

   He changed into a set of fluffy pink pajamas, shorts and a bikini-like croptop. He grabbed his wolf plushie and instead of laying down in his own bed; he made his way up to chans room.

   He slowly crawled into his bed, snuggling under the covers as he took in the relaxing scent. It smells like him..

   Felix hugged his plushie closed as he tried to shake away the thoughts of today and distract himself with chan's scent, and it worked.

Felix turning into a bad boy omg 😩🤌🤌

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