36: Times Up

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"H-How did you-"

"That boss of yours was quite incompetent, and bad as organizing kidnapping." Chan took a slow drag of his cigarette, the still smoke swirling under the fluorescent lamp. 

Hwan gulped quietly, knowing where this is going. "Y-you know I never was gonna work with them, I wasn't being serious-" "enough with the lying, mr. Hwan. Your time is up." Chan said sinisterly.

"But, this isnt gonna be done by me." Chan looked over his shoulder into the darkness, and stepped aside.

Felix took this as his que to slowly step forward into the light, making Hwan's eyes widen, the color draining from his whole body. Felix stood now where chan was, staring down at the man with a dark fury in his eyes.

"Hello, Dad."

"You brat! Untie me from this chair this instant!" The man yelled, wriggling in his chair. Felix chuckled lightly, admiring his audacity.

"That wont be happening."

"I am your father! You listen to me!-"

"You are not my father, and you never were. You are dead to me." Felix said, his already deep voice crescendoing into a lower octave, sending shivers down everyones backs. "But not just me, to the world really. Well, because this will be your last day alive."

"What are you talking about-" "you remember being on your knees with mom next to you, begging at the mercy of chan. But you had the bright idea of selling you only son to save your own ass?"

Hwan stayed quiet.

"Well, didn't really go how you planned right? Since you, you know, sold my sister to mobsters and basically covered her murder, you thought that they were just gonna torture and kill me right?"

"How-" "shut. Up."

"Well didn't exactly go as planned." Felix turned to chan and grabbed him by the collar, dragging him down to passionately kiss him. Chan smiled into the kiss and pulled him closer by the waist. Hwan looked away in disgust as felix nibbled on chan's bottom lip smirking. "You would be surprised to know that this is my boyfriend."

"You disgusting slut."

Felix huffed, before he continued talking chan walked up and landed a solid punch to his face, breaking his nose instantly. He harshly grabbed his face and squeezed, "never. Call him that. Ever again."

"Baby cmere, its okay." Felix cooed, pulling chan back to his side and kissed his cheek. "Now.."

"I would love to end your life by torturing you myself but frankly, i despise having your fifthly blood on my hands. So jinnie, would you be a dear and torture him for me?~" felix asked sweetly, handing hyunjin a knife.

Hyunjin smiled and took the knife and kissed the boy's forehead, "of course I can, sit back and relax sugar." "Theres more stuff for you over here, babe." Seungmin said, pointing to the table displaying an arsenal of torture weapons and tools. "Thanks love~!" Hyunjin said, kissing his cheek quickly and deciding what to use first.

Felix sat on the table with chan right by his side, who kissed his neck and jawline slowly while rubbing his thigh, while they watched changbin and hyunjin torture their hostage. Felix enjoyed the sight, but felt sick to his stomach at the same time. Not because of the gore, but just all the feelings and memories rushing back.

After about an hour, the sickness and dizziness was starting to really affect felix, and chan noticed. "Guys." Chan ordered, making the two guys covered in blood step away. Hwan was beaten and bloodied to a pulp, barely grasping consciousness.

Felix slowly got down from the table and slowly walked to stand in front of hwan. he slowly took out his crimson gun and held it to his forehead. "Your.....m-mother..... would be.. d-dissapointed.." hwan muttered, his last attempt to save himself.

Felix stared quietly before answering, "goodbye, you worthless waste of space."

Then he shot him point blank in the head, instantly ending his life.

Felix stumbled back to the table, his boyfriend instantly grabbing hold of him. "Guys, we need to go. Clean up quickly and get in the car."

As soon as felix ran through the front doors of his house, he found the nearest bathroom and collapsed, vomiting anything his stomach could conjure. The fear and anxiety he had for all those years came rushing back to him, making him insanely sick to the stomach.

chan chased after him and sat down behind him, rubbing his back soothingly as he whispered endearing and comforting things to him. After felix finished dry heaving, he leaned back into chan as warm tears ran down his freckled cheeks.

"you did so good today baby, im so proud of you." Chan whispered as he kissed his head, rubbing his tummy soothingly. "Lets go upstairs and run you a nice bath then tuck you into bed for a nice nap, hm?" Chan asked, felix nodded weakly.


Chan kissed felix's forehead as he tucked felix into bed, after taking a warm rose petal bath and dressed him in his fuzzy purple pajama set, "sleep well babe, if you need anything just tell me." Felix nodded, falling asleep right after.

Chan smiled and gave him one last kiss before quietly getting up and leaving the room. He walked downstairs to the kitchen where everyone else is, hyunjin and changbin freshly showered. "Is he okay?" Jisung asked worriedly. "He's alright. The whole event today really shook him up, he does have a fever though."

"What happened today?" Jeongin asked innocently, but was hushed by changbin standing next to him. "Just, business stuff."

As the group was talking, chan got a phone call and saw that it was from an no caller id, so he stepped outside into the backyard and answered, but didnt say anything.

"Hello, son."

Chan felt his heart drop, the old scratchy voice sounding all too familiar. "...how did you get this number."

"You know I have my ways. Now.. regarding your little boyfriend situation."

Chan felt as if his heart fell out of his body, the color draining from his face. "He had nothing to do with you." "Oh but he does. I can't be seen as a father with a homosexual son. Especially with the power we both have."

Chan's fists tightened to where his knuckles turned white. "Meet me at the mansion in 3 days. I am expecting you to come with only changbin and minho." Before chan could answer, the call ended.

He began to take heavy breaths as anger filled his soul. "FUCK!" He yelled, throwing his phone on the ground. The members came rushing out and was asking what was wrong, but chan didn't answer. He was so angry.

He was so scared.

He knew exactly what his father was capable of, and he was terrified of it. He should've known he would find out about felix and try to do something about it.

Without answering anyone, he ripped away from their grasp and stormed back into the house and up to his and his boyfriend's room, locking the door. He watched as felix slept soundly, all cuddled up in the covers.

He sat on the edge of the bed and gently tucked some stray hairs from his small face, caressing his cheek. Felix awoke to the sensation, leaning into his lover's hand. "Mm... channie..?"

"Shh, go to sleep my love. Its alright." Chan whispered, felix complying.

I will never let him harm you, my love. Ever.


2 chapters in one night? Insane of me honestly

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