Chapter 16: The Draconic Dance

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Fleeing from Brakmar was surprisingly easy for the two, even without using Shiro's dragon form. No one even tried to stop them at the gates to charge a fee. They were free. Now they only needed to find a safe place for the little Dofus they had taken with them. Aeri thought about dragons, and their nests, and decided the best place for one would be the mountains. It'd take some time to get there, but maybe that high up no one would think to go look for a dragon egg. The two set for a journey high up to the mountains. They'd use normal means to get there, since using Shiroazaad's powers would be too... flashy. The two journeyed far, accepting help from kind strangers while hiding the Dofus. It was far too valuable and important to lose to betrayal, and they knew from Grougaloragran's stories just how willing humans were to do so for what they wanted. At least that what was they were told, and they had seen it first hand themselves so they couldn't afford any risks.

Once they were close enough to the mountains, they continued afoot. The climb to the mountains was tough and tiresome. Aeri made it bearable with her portal powers, but even that started to become too much, when the air got thinner. They decided to rest for the night, in a small near by cave and continue the climb higher tomorrow. Aeri hug the Dofus close to her body to keep it warm, Shiro held it close from his side as well. When the morning came they could see better than when they started the climb. It was a nice cloudless day. Aeri placed the Dofus in a small bag she had on her person, and began the climb. They were slowly but steadily getting closer to the peak. Shiro seemed to notice something, signaling his sister to stop. Aeri looked at him ;"What is it brother? Danger?" She asked worriedly. Shiro looked up with his dragon gaze. ;"I'm not sure. But be very careful. It could be anything." He said in a low whispery tone. Once they made it to a plateau, they stopped to look around. It was quiet. A bit too quiet for their liking. Occassional gust of wind kept them company. Aeri sensed something. Something BIG. Shiro saw it. And immediately grabbed his sister and ducked. A dragon flew by them just high enough, as to not touch them. But low enough to give them the message, that they were not welcomed. Shiro grabbed Aeri's hand to run, she held the bag as close to her as possible. The dragon spun around in the air and started it's descend towards them readying it's sharp claws. Aeri made a portal big enough for it to go through, sending it to the other direction from them. The dragon seemed confused at first, but quickly understood what it was up against. It let out a growl. Shiro answered to it with his own. Changing form to a big black and white dragon to protect Aeri. He charged at the other dragon flames coming from his mouth. The other dragon did the same. They clashed, kicking and biting each other. Aeri watched the scene horrified, clutching onto the Dofus inside the Bag. She noticed a cave, quite possibly the nest of the red dragon. She ran towards it. The dragon took a note of this, dashing right at her. But Shiro came from the side, forcing the dragon to hit the side of the Mountain instead. ;"Leave my sister alone!" He roared. Aeri looked around for anything to use but couldn't find a thing. All she saw was an empty nest of the Dragon, she took the Dofus from the bag holding it close. ;"Maybe..." she said. The dragon fought fiercely against Shiro, twisting and turning it's long body around him to keep him in hold. He yelled in pain. ;"Shiro!" Aeri felt his pain. She quickly ran outside. "HEY DRAGON! OVER HERE!" She yelled at it. The dragon quickly moved to follow her, Releasing Shiroazaad. It flew towards her, as she ran into the cave. It was close on her tail. But then it stopped. It stared something intently. The shining of the red Dofus had gotten it mesmerised. Aeri held it up near it's face. "Here. We think this might be the perfect place for them." She said, giving the egg to the dragon, who gladly accepted it, quickly coiling it's tail around it to keep it safe. "I bet they'll be much happier with someone of their own kind." She said. The Dragon made a cat like purring noise, as Aeri tapped it's snout. She quickly made her way to her brother who had once again taken his human form, he was just smoothing his hair, dusting himself off. ;"How'd it go?" He asked worriedly. Aeri smiled. ;"It went well, and I think the dragon just got much more happier." She answered. "Are YOU okay though? You took a nasty hit.." she asked checking for any wounds. Shiro laughed. ;"It takes more than a few bites to defeat me." He said. Aeri lightly hit his arm.

;"And I bet it takes much more to defeat your sister as well." A voice said. A robed figure stood near them. Shiro immediately went to defensive Mode. "Please. I'm not here to fight the two of you. I wish to help you." They said. The twins gave each other glances of suspicion. But heard them out anyway. ;"My name is Palani, I'm a Huppermage. I live in a convent near by." They said, removing their hood. "And I wish to teach the two of you." She said. ;"Teach us what..?" Aeri asked doubting. ;"How to defeat beings like Dragons, as well as other elementals. Although this fight you may have won, there are far more dangerous creatures and elementals out there." She explained. "Please follow me." She asked of them. The two carefully followed her as she lead the way. Half way thought she pointed upwards. ;"The convent is up there." She explained. "No one without wind magic, or wings can enter. And I know you two have them." She said. Aeri was quick to touch the tips of his hat. Shiro wondered whether they could truly trust her. Shiro turned to his dragon form and Aeri hopped onto his back, they flew up high until they could see it. A flying convent high above the sky. You couldn't even see it from the ground. Let alone from the Mountain top. It was well hidden. They landed on the ground as they followed Palani, who used wind magic to get there. The convent itself was huge dome shaped building. It was made from stone. It had four pillars around it, supposedly supported by wind magic, making it fly. The walls were filled with paintings depicting the story of Huppermages. But.. As well as Eliatropes. Aeri was confused. How could they know? Their existence was supposed to be long forgotten by everyone. But they clearly knew of them. Aeri traced her hand on the wall. She couldn't remember much from her previous lives, but she knew something bad had happened to her family a long time ago. Palani seemed to understand this she gave her a reassuring smile. They made their way to the center of the hall, there seemed to be some Huppermages in training. They all turned to look at them. Aeri instinctively went behind her brother to hide. She felt embarrassed somehow. ;"It's really them!" One of them whispered. ;"A real Eliatrope and a Dragon!" The other one said. Both twins felt uncomfortable by this, but decided to put on a brave face anyway. ;"We've known about your kind for a long time." Palani explained. Gesturing to the wall paintings. ;"We've kept your kind as a secret from others as well. We only wish to help you." She said. She gave them the grand tour of the place. It was much bigger than it looked inside. It was full if Eliatrope history, as well as dragon history. ;"You sure do know us, and we know so little about you.." Aeri said. Palani laughed. ;"I will tell you anything you wish to know about us." She said. And so started the life of Aeri and Shiro at the convent.

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