Chapter 40: The Tyrant

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Ruel and Black Ink were singing sea chanties, as they sailed close to an island. ;"Isn't that the island of Breta?! Oh how I would like to eat something else than fish for once." Ruel said. ;"Don't get your hopes up, we're not setting a tentacle on that island, last time we almost lost our ship!" Black Ink said. When suddenly Ruel clutched his chest in pain. He began whimpering and wailing like never before. Ruel accidentally touched the helm making the ship turn it's course. ;"What's happening?" Yugo asked. ;"Ruel's having a heart attack!" Cléo said. As Ruel fell down on the ground. ;"This is it for me children... I.. Goodluck Yugo." He said and stopped moving. ;"Ruel! No!" Yugo cried out.

On the island of Breta, the group was holding a funeral for Ruel, it had started raining so they all had black umbrellas, and black shades on. Percedal read the eulogy: ;"Ruel the Enutrof, a member of the Brotherhood of Tofu, a Friend, you will be forever remembered. May the God Enutrof, Father of the riches, take you to his side." Yugo cried out as he listened to the speech. It was then that Ruel opened his eyes and winked at him. Yugo began to smile. Shiro watched this scene confused. Ruel began running around with a smile on his face. ;"It's a miracle!" Percedal said. ;"To think I shed a tear for him." Evangelyne said. ;"He did it again.." Yugo said annoyedly. ;"How many times has this happened?" Shiro asked him. ;"A few times whenever he didn't feel like paying his bill at an Inn." He said. ;"So too many times." Shiro said deadpanning. ;"At least He's great at faking heart attacks." Cléo said. Ruel was busy trying to find a hidden treasure. He took out a map and began searching. He took Junior with him for digging, once he found the spot his Drheller dug until he found a small chest. ;"This treasure chest holds an item of ultimate power! Oh I don't dare to open it..." Ruel said opening the chest slowly. Everyone looked excitedly. There was a small golden colored ring inside. ;What? But- this isn't-" Ruel sputtered. He checked whether the ring was actually made of gold, when he realized it wasn't, he threw it a way and had a fit. ;"I still know how to read a treasure map-" He muttered. Percedal looked at the ring mesmerised. He took it and put it on his index finger. ;"Doesn't it fit a hero or what?" He asked as the ring started to glow. ;"Hey it's shiny- warm- Hot HOT!!" He waved his hand until something came out of the ring. A ghostly looking person. A man without legs. He was an Ecaflip man with lighter fur color and white hair, and goatee, he wore fancy looking clothes and had small glasses on. His eyes were glowing yellow. ;"AAH! A GHOST!" Percedal yelled and ran around, the person followed him but not from his own volition. When he hit a gravestone, the man was able to speak. ;"I'm not a ghost." He said. ;"Oh you must be a genie! For my three wishes.." Amalia began listing things. ;"If I was a genie I would grant more than three wishes for three lovely ladies like yourselves." He said. He flew close to Eva. ;"My name is Bubu, Sho Bubu." He introduced, coming a little too close to her. Percedal didn't quite like it. ;"Well mister Sho Bubble, you better not br flirting with MY GIRLFRIEND or else." He said trying to jump on him, but he went right through him. ;"Speaking of if you're not a ghost nor a genie, what are you doing at a cemetery?" Cléo asked. ;"It is a curse." He said sadly. "It happened over a year ago, I was marrying the woman of my dreams, Melo, she was the most beautiful woman on the island and some were jealous of our union. One of them being my best man Cassis." He explained. "But now that you've freed me I can find my love and break the curse." He said happily. ;"We would love to help you Sho, but we have an important task of our own to get to." Evangelyne said. Sho seemed disheartened hearing this. Percedal was crying. ;"It's so sad.." He said. "Don't worry Sho Booble! I Percedal of Sadlygrove shall help you! Iop's promise!" He declared.

When they entered the town of  Breta they saw a bunch of guards stamping things with their stamp helmets. Everything that was okayed, got the same stamp mark on them, be it eggs, watermelons, bread or even people. Yugo and friends got the stamp mark on their hands. ;"This mark allows one day visit in the town, Don't wash your hands or you won't be able to get out." The guard said. The other guards were "checking" things and stamping them, breaking them in the process just for fun. Amalia thought it was a tyrannical way of upholding the law. They stopped in front of the Governor's Palace. ;"This is it, Sho said coming out from the ring. "My sweet Melo lives here. She is the Governor of the Island." He explained. ;"Well she has a weird way of leading that's for sure." Shiroazaad said glancing at the guards who were everywhere. ;"I know. I myself don't understand it either." Sho confessed. 'Melo, why so many guards on our island?' He thought.  When they looked at the stamp mark more clearly, Sho noticed that it was Cassis' head mark. Amalia demanded to get to see the Governor as the Princess of the Sadida, but the guards only laughed at her face calling her a 'common salad.' When that didn't work, Percedal tried the Iop way of diplomatics. He took both guards by the head and smashed them together. One of the guards went to warn the Governor. ;"Governor Cassis! It's war! We're being attacked by women, children and old men!" He yelled in panic as another guard flew by him. ;"Summon these outlaws right now!!" He demanded. He was a small sized man, with heavy make up on his face, and rolled up hair from the sides. He had a tiny mustache and he held a sceptre in his hand. ;"You! What have you done with my wife?!" Sho asked angrily. Cassis looked at him shocked ;"Sho?! You should be locked up in a chest somewhere!" He said. "And your 'wife?' As far as I remember you never made it to the altar." He said boredly. "HOW DARE YOU CLAIM MELO AS YOURS?! I should've thrown your ring into the ocean with the Bow Meow Fish!" He yelled. He showed that he indeed had Melo, in another ring. She was an Ecaflip woman with a darker fur color, and darker hair with beautiful golden eyes. She wore a simple white dress with a flower crown. ;"Melo!" Sho said happy to see his love. "Melo look at me my love!" He said as she looked his way. ;"Sho!" She said. The two tried to embrace each other but they were too far away, and instead Melo was forced to retreat to her prison ring. Cassis laughed at Sho's pain. ;"You can't do anything trapped in that ring. You've lost Sho." He said. He summoned his guards who quickly circled around all them. The battle began. Amalia sent them flying with her vines, as Eva and Cléo shot them with their magical arrows, and Cléo went for closer battle to kick and punch them. Percedal used Rubilax to hit the guards who were frozen by Eva's arrows and Yugo trapped them in his portals. Finally Cléo threw a flying bomb at them which she shot with an arrow, taking out four of them. Cassis looked scared. He ran down his long flight of stairs and into a smaller room yelling at our heroes ;"You will regret this!!"

He came back with a four legged stamping mecha bot. It kicked out Yugo and others easily. When they all attacked it, it didn't even get a scratch. ;"Does this thing have no weak spot?!" Shiro yelled annoyedly. Ruel was too busy reading his map over and over again to even notice it. It stamped the ground leaving a giant Cassis' face mark on it. Ruel studied it ;"There's a similar mark on the map but it's reversed." He turned the map around to see a pathway drawn on it. ;"It's REVERSED! YES THE MAP IS REVERSED!" He yelled as he danced nearly getting hit by Cassis' mecha. Shiro tried to burn it with his flames but only managed to singe it a little. When he used the middle part to try and hit our heroes a small hatch opened up from underneath it. ;"Listen to me I have a plan!" Eva said. First Yugo went to annoy Cassis, he tried to catch him with his machine. Shiro blew smoke right at the window and he couldn't see anything, Amalia then used her vines to tie the four legs of the robot. As it fell down, Eva and Cléo used their combined arrows to hit it's inside. It blew up neatly. Cassis tried to use his sceptre to trap Percedal inside a rock, but Shiro quickly punched him in the face, Amalia taking it from him. ;"Confiscated! And now.." He pointed at Cassis who ended up in the sceptre and then into a stamp which turned golden. Amalia then used the sceptre to free Sho and Melo who were happily reunited, they gave each other a sweet kiss. Our group then went back towards the ship where Elaine and Black Ink were waiting. Melo made a new law of happiness, it was now mandatory. She also made it so that everyone should sing at least three songs per day. Sho watched the scene worriedly. Ruel finally found his treasure. It was an extremely valuable card for his collection. Everyone else thought it was a waste of time, and were ready to leave Ruel there.

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